
Archives / 2009
  • This is why algorithms rule

    For the people who know me a little it's no surprise, but in case you didn't know: I love algorithms. I think they're the cornerstone of good software and they should be your first source of wisdom for every piece of software you're creating. This post will show an example of what I mean by that and how easy it is if you have a set of algorithms at your disposal which are solid, proven and correct.

  • Very odd OutOfMemoryException issue with GetHashCode(string)

    In .NET there's a class called StringComparer. It has some handy helpers, like the InvariantCultureIgnoreCase StringComparer. These classes also implement a method called GetHashCode(string), which produces the hashcode in the scope of the comparer, so if you're calling that method on the InvariantCultureIgnoreCase variant, you get the hashcode for that scope.

  • LLBLGen Pro v3.0 Model first with QuickModel and more

    Below I've linked a short video which demonstrates, among other things, the Quick Model feature of LLBLGen Pro v3.0. Quick Model is a feature which allows the user to specify model elements very quickly using a simple command input system combined with a visual model viewer. The scenario when this feature is ideal is when you're interviewing a Domain expert and you want to store the information you gather in a re-usable way. This feature allows you to do that in such a way that the model is immediately presented to you and the Domain expert (so s/he immediately sees if it's correct or not). Another advantage is that the model is already in your project, so if a developer has to continue with the project, you don't need a translation phase and you don't have to discuss which entities were determined during the interview, they're already in the model. All you need is a little fine tuning perhaps, using the other editors in the LLBLGen Pro designer. As the Quick Model feature is ... quick, you can type while discussing / interviewing, so the interview isn't stalled by you having to perform slow toolbox-jedi-tricks or other slow modeling wizardry.

  • "Cloud Cloud Cloud, if you're not in it, you're out!"... or something

    After I graduated from the HIO Enschede (B.Sc level) in '94 I have worked with a lot of different platforms and environments: from 4GL's like System Builder, uniVerse and Magic to C++ on AIX to Java to Perl on Linux to C# on .NET. All these platforms and environments had one thing in common: their creators were convinced their platform was the best and greatest and easiest to write software with. To some extend, each and every one of them were decent platforms and it was perfectly possible to write software with them though I'll leave the classification whether they were / are the greatest and easiest to the reader. I'll try to make clear below why this dull intro is important.

  • Happy 6th anniversary, LLBLGen Pro!

    Today, it's been exactly 6 years ago we released the first version of LLBLGen Pro, v1.0.2003.1 after a development period of roughly 9 months (Sunday september 7th 2003, late in the evening). It was a big gamble, would it succeed or fail? We got our first customer within 9 minutes after release and we then knew it would be a success. And it still is, with thousands of companies using it world-wide, from small mom & pop shops to the biggest banks on the planet. Honestly, we hoped for success but that it took off this big was beyond our expectations. A big thank you! to all of our loyal customers who trusted our work in the past 6 years and who are keep trusting it.

  • LLBLGen Pro and SQL Azure

    LLBLGen Pro works with SQL Azure, that is, the generated code and the runtime library. There are a couple of things you should be aware of, and I'll enlist them briefly below. The thing which doesn't work is creating a project from a SQL Azure database, as SQL Azure has no meta-data tables publicly available to the connected user (also a reason why for example SQL Server Management Studio doesn't work with SQL Azure at the moment)

  • Think first, 'doing' is for later

    In the comments section of Ayende's blog, I recently debated the usage of principles like the ones in SOLID and argued that these principles aren't really the important thing to focus on. Instead, people should focus on thinking. In the Netherlands we have an old saying: "Bezint eer ge begint", which translated to English is something like "Think everything through before you start". Now, before I wake up the anti-Waterfall people, I'd like to add that this post isn't about Waterfall at all. Instead, I'd like to line out how I write my software, how thinking is an essential part of every step I take in the whole process and will illustrate it with an example which hopefully will illustrate that some extra time spend on the thought process before writing any code is very valuable.

  • Linq: Beware of the 'Access to modified closure' demon

    If you're using Linq and Resharper, you've probably seen the warning Resharper shows when you use a foreach loop in which you use the loop variable in a Linq extension method (be it on IQueryable<T> or IEnumerable<T>). In case you don't know what it is or what damage it can do if you ignore the issue, I'll give you a database oriented query (so on IQueryable<T>, using LLBLGen Pro's Linq provider) which creates a dynamic Where clause based on input, the typical scenario you should be careful with when it comes to this particular problem.

  • Multi-value Dictionary C# source code (.NET 3.5)

    By popular demand, I've published the C# source code of my Multi-value Dictionary class, which can also merge dictionaries into itself and which implements ILookup<T, V> as well. It's part of Algorithmia, our upcoming data-structure and algorithm library which will ship with LLBLGen Pro v3.0 later this year. The code is released under the BSD2 license, see the enclosed readme.txt. The class comes with its own general purpose Grouping<T, V> class as well and of course its own ToMultiValueDictionary() extension method.

  • The desperate quest for doing it 'right'

    This morning I ran into an interesting design decision. The problem at hand isn't that interesting, I've solved it a lot of times before. The interesting thing is that this problem isn't always solved the same way. It goes like this: do you tell an element which is inside a container (which can be inside another container) to exclude (remove) itself from its container or do you tell the container to exclude (remove) the element? This might sound simple enough, but what is the right thing to do here? And if one is chosen, on what ground is that approach the right thing and is that always the case, no matter what the scenario might be? No, "It depends" doesn't cut it, for the sole reason that every single day probably millions of developers around the world are, in any state of desperation, searching for the right thing to do, be it for this or other problems. Check the various Q&A sites, the various newsgroups and above all, the wide range of developer blogs, articles and twitter channels, and you'll see that a lot has been, is and will be discussed about that single concept: the right thing.

  • The Undo-Redo paradox

    In July 2008 I started development on LLBLGen Pro v3's new designer. The first thing I realized was that I needed a good, solid, generic framework to base the new designer on, especially because v3 would introduce a new big feature: model-first entity model development. In short, model-first means that the user starts the designer and can build an entity model from scratch (so no meta-data available whatsoever) and create meta-data and mappings from that entity model, or modify an existing or reverse engineered model by adding new elements. So the user will edit, delete, and do other things which aren't based on any meta-data, but based on theory, thought processes and perhaps trial/error. In short: the user will make changes to a live model in memory and will try to undo and redo these changes during the process. Everywhere. Always. So undo/redo has to be present everywhere, and always in every situation. Removing an element, like an entity definition, should remove all its related and depending elements or at least make them update themselves and undo-ing that removal should restore the original state.

  • Soft-deletes are bad, m'kay?

    Have you ever ran into database tables with a field which is used to mark if a row has been 'deleted' ? Probably. These fields are used to implement 'soft-deletes'. For the soft-delete impaired, a quick introduction. Soft-deletes are row deletes which are not really happening: instead of removing the row from the database table, a field in the row is set to a value which signals that the row is officially 'deleted'. Every SELECT statement on that table is then filtering on that field's value so only rows which aren't marked as 'deleted' are returned (as the deleted data is not there anymore, semantically).