Re: Everything's broken and nobody's upset
This is a re-worked answer to Scott Hanselman's great post 'Everything's broken and nobody's upset'. I replied it below the post, but I think it deserves a post here. Scott's post is about how we seemingly accept a long list of annoyances and issues with the software we use and how we apparently ignore the fact just how broken today's software seems to be. In my answer I tried to give an answer to why that is. This answer is below.
The Windows Store... why did I sign up with this mess again?
Yesterday, Microsoft revealed that the Windows Store is now open to all developers in a wide range of countries and locations. For the people who think "wtf is the 'Windows Store'?", it's the central place where Windows 8 users will be able to find, download and purchase applications (or as we now have to say to not look like a computer illiterate: <accent style="Kentucky">aaaaappss</accent>) for Windows 8.