LLBLGen Pro and JSON serialization
I accidentally removed a reply from my previous blogpost, and as this blog-engine here at is apparently falling apart, I can't re-add it as it thought it would be wise to disable comment controls on all posts, except new ones. So I'll post the reply here as a quote and reply on it.
How to make ASP.NET WebApi serialize your LLBLGen Pro entities to JSON
LLBLGen Pro has several ways to serialize / deserialize your entity data in an LLBLGen Pro Entity object:
Re: Everything's broken and nobody's upset
This is a re-worked answer to Scott Hanselman's great post 'Everything's broken and nobody's upset'. I replied it below the post, but I think it deserves a post here. Scott's post is about how we seemingly accept a long list of annoyances and issues with the software we use and how we apparently ignore the fact just how broken today's software seems to be. In my answer I tried to give an answer to why that is. This answer is below.
The Windows Store... why did I sign up with this mess again?
Yesterday, Microsoft revealed that the Windows Store is now open to all developers in a wide range of countries and locations. For the people who think "wtf is the 'Windows Store'?", it's the central place where Windows 8 users will be able to find, download and purchase applications (or as we now have to say to not look like a computer illiterate: <accent style="Kentucky">aaaaappss</accent>) for Windows 8.
LLBLGen Pro feature highlights: model views
(This post is part of a series of posts about features of the LLBLGen Pro system)
Beware when using .NET's named pipes in a windows forms application
Yesterday a user of our .net ORM Profiler tool reported that he couldn't get the snapshot recording from code feature working in a windows forms application. Snapshot recording in code means you start recording profile data from within the profiled application, and after you're done you save the snapshot as a file which you can open in the profiler UI. When using a console application it worked, but when a windows forms application was used, the snapshot was always empty: nothing was recorded.
LLBLGen Pro feature highlights: grouping model elements
(This post is part of a series of posts about features of the LLBLGen Pro system)
Azure, don't give me multiple VMs, give me one elastic VM
Yesterday, Microsoft revealed new major features for Windows Azure (see ScottGu's post). It all looks shiny and great, but after reading most of the material describing the new features, I still find the overall idea behind all of it flawed: why should I care on how much VMs my web app runs? Isn't that a problem to solve for the Windows Azure engineers / software? And what if I need the file system, why can't I simply get a virtual filesystem ?
LLBLGen Pro feature highlights: automatic element name construction
(This post is part of a series of posts about features of the LLBLGen Pro system)
ORM Profiler v1.1 has been released!
We've released ORM Profiler v1.1, which has the following new features:
If doctors would work like software engineers, no-one would consult them
When I woke up this morning, in the vague state of my barely booted mind a thought popped up: we software developers bicker and debate almost solely about procedure, never about diagnostics and which solution to apply to a given problem. It looks like what's really important about what we do is how we create solutions to problems, not about finding out what's wrong in the first place. For doctors things are precisely the opposite: they first and foremost try to get a diagnose what the problem is, what causes it and with that information they pick a solution which is known to fix / cure the problem found with the patient. No diagnose, no cure.
LLBLGen Pro feature highlights: assigning attributes based on rules to properties in generated code.
(This post is part of a series of posts about features of the LLBLGen Pro system)
LLBLGen Pro v3.5 has been released!
Last weekend we released LLBLGen Pro v3.5! Below the list of what's new in this release. Of course, not everything is on this list, like the large amount of work we put in refactoring the runtime framework. The refactoring was necessary because our framework has two paradigms which are added to the framework at a different time, and from a design perspective in the wrong order (the paradigm we added first, SelfServicing, should have been built on top of Adapter, the other paradigm, which was added more than a year after the first released version). The refactoring made sure the framework re-uses more code across the two paradigms (they already shared a lot of code) and is better prepared for the future. We're not done yet, but refactoring a massive framework like ours without breaking interfaces and existing applications is ... a bit of a challenge ;)
"Re: I have a question about proving code correctness"
Recently I received an email with the following contents: