ORM Profiler v1.5 beta has been released!
Yesterday we released the first beta of ORM Profiler v1.5! The new features are:
- Entity Framework 6 support
- Real time analysis:
New analysis types:
- Number of connections / sec exceeds a given threshold
- Number of commands / sec exceeds a given threshold
- Transaction time exceeds a given threshold (also new in snapshot analysis)
- Connection open time exceeds a given threshold (also new in snapshot analysis)
The following analysis was already present in ORM Profiler and is now also done in real-time:- DB time of command exceeds a given threshold
- .NET consume time of command exceeds a given threshold
- An Exception occurs
- The resultset is too large
- Too many commands per usage period
- Massive sql statement
- Resultset Retrieval in-client
- Minor enhancements/changes:
- Settings are now persisted to disk
- Additional snapshot analysis alerts: (these are introduced in the real-time analysis)
- Transaction time exceeds threshold
- Connection open time exceeds threshold
- Better time aggregation in hierarchical views Command db time/.net time is now aggregated to the complete tree of nodes instead of just its direct parent.
- Retrieving the plan now uses a quick connection open
- Async support (this is already enabled in the latest v1.1 build, but in case you missed it)
v1.5 is a free upgrade for all v1.x licensees and can be downloaded from the customer area on http://www.ormprofiler.com. Please read the enclosed readme1st.docx how to proceed/install.
Looking forward to the feedback!