
Archives / 2018 / January
  • Emaroo 3.5.0 Released – now Supporting Affinity

    Emaroo is a free utility for browsing most recently used (MRU) file lists of programs like Visual Studio, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more. Quickly open files, jump to their folder in Windows Explorer, copy them (and their path) to the clipboard - or run your own tools on the MRU items! And all this with just a few keystrokes or mouse clicks.

    About This Release

    The Adobe Creative Cloud set of applications is not exactly cheap, especially if all you use is Photoshop and Illustrator. If you need some design tools for working on typical graphics for software projects, taking a look at the non-subscription, competitively-priced alternatives Affinity Photo (bitmap graphics) and Affinity Designer (vector graphics) may be worth a try.

    Emaroo now supports these two applications. And if you have Photoshop and/or Illustrator installed on your machine, you can open files from their MRU lists in the corresponding Affinity application.