
Archives / 2017 / September
  • Emaroo 3.3.0 Released

    Emaroo is a free utility for browsing most recently used (MRU) file lists of programs like Visual Studio, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more. Quickly open files, jump to their folder in Windows Explorer, copy them (and their path) to the clipboard - or run your own tools on the MRU items! And all this with just a few keystrokes or mouse clicks.

    About This Release

    This release is recommended for users of Visual Studio Code.

    • Added: Support for the 64bit version of Visual Studio Code.
    • Changed: Files and directories are now handled equally when it comes to copying to the clipboard: Ctrl+C copies the item (i.e. the file or directory) and Ctrl+Shift+C copies its parent directory.
    • Fixed: Various problems with Visual Studio Code not working correctly (caused by some behind-the-scenes changes in its configuration storage).
    • Fixed: Wrong icon used for folders if the first folder accessed by Emaroo after setup is a folder with a special icon (e.g. the Documents folder).
    • Fixed: Collision between setting the “always open as administrator” marker and turning off UAC afterwards - the Visual Studio solution could not be opened then.

    Read the complete version history on the Emaroo website.