Thank You!

There’s a time for complaining about issues, and there’s a time for telling when things are great.

I’m right in the middle of writing custom column and cell types for a DataGridView and I had a problem with adding a custom column to an existing grid – the DataGridView threw an exception in design mode, obviously a bug in my new code.

It took me only a couple of minutes to

  • start a second instance of Visual Studio for debugging*
  • open the current solution a second time
  • open the designer for the dialog the DataGridView was on
  • add the custom column
  • watch the first Visual Studio instance point me to the source code location where the resulting exception was thrown
  • edit the code (after letting Visual Studio unwind the exception)
  • and continue with a now working custom column.

Some of you out there may shrug their shoulders and ask “so what?”, but I must admit that even though I have used edit and continue for code running in Visual Studio before (when developing managed add-ins), I never cease to be freaking amazed! So to whoever contributed his/her part to making this work: Thank You!

*) Project Properties – Debug – Start Action – Start external program – enter the full path of devenv.exe

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