Vista "Blue Screened" Today

Last week I got a new laptop from. It is a Dell Latitude D830 with a 15.4" wide-screen display, a Core2Duo, and 4GB of RAM running Vista Ultimate. I really liked this model because I can run it with two monitors (using the optional docking system).

So far I've things have been running great. This morning while opening an email in Outlook however - Vista "blue screened". I really can't remember the last time I've seen one (years I think).


One feature of Vista that impressed me was the "Problem Reports and Solutions" control panel. Vista seems to do a good job of keeping track of what application and system failures you've run in to and offers some tools to help you track down solutions.


  • Marc,

    Are you running Vista x64 or x32 on your laptop? If you are runing x32, does Vista Computer properties show that it recognizes all 4GB or just 3GB of your RAM?

  • I'm running the x32 edition. And you're almost right - it shows 3.5GB.

    I'm hopping it is able to address the full 4GB when and if I take the plunge into x64.

  • Not sure about Vista, but under Windows 2003 32bit I see all the 4GB of RAM. There's an option in BIOS that I have to enable; can't remember what it's called... something about reorganizing the memory. By default it's off, and when it's off my system only sees about 3GB of RAM.

  • Windows Server 2003 will see all 4GB of RAM. Any 32bit workstation operating system post WinXP SP2 will NOT be able to see 4GB due to MS pulling PAE support (at least that is the explanation I received). I have 4GB in my workstation and WinXP RTM was able to see it, but SP2 was not. Nuke and paved to Vista x32 and it still couldn't see it. Ended up going to Vista x64 and it does see it. Noticeable performance increase and stability with Vista x64, too. Even using the BIOS option of remapping over 4GB in software and/or hardware does not help with seeing the 4GB in the operating system, even though the BIOS clearly sees 4GB. Again, it has to do with MS pulling PAE support from WinXP x32 and Vista x32.

  • Glad to hear x64 is working for you.

    The only thing holding me back is that I'm not sure the applications I use will react to it. And I cannot afford the downtime to find out yet.

    My main concern is with the Nuance Voice Platform. I'm nervous that it will run poorly to Vista x64 (given that it doesn't even officially support Vista x32)

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