Heroes and Friends

I'm about to leave to attend a memorial service for a childhood friend of my wife and I. His name was Seth Michaud and he was a Captain in the US Marines. On June 22 he was killed in Djibouti, Africa in a friendly fire incident. He leaves behind a wife and 18-month old son.

My wife and I grew up with Seth and many of our happiest memories include him (I once stole 31 gas caps with him for a scavenger hunt... bad bad bad). And while we have not seen him in some time, his loss hit like a ton of bricks. It reminded me that every man and woman who has given their life for my country has left behind a legacy. A legacy that I knew nothing about and thought little of, until now. I'm glad part of Seth's legacy includes me. I'm a better person for having known him and anyone who knew him will never forget.

On the Friday before his death he posted a profile on Classmates. While I try my best to maintain my macho-manliness at all times, I must admit to crying like a baby after reading his profile that Sunday night.

We all have many heroes and many friends in our lives. I was privileged enough to have someone who was both.

Rest in peace my friend and thank you.


Some links:

[update: fixed some broken links]


  • Your post touched me. I know how you feel. I'm with you.


  • Thank you Karen Michaud his mom

  • Mr. LaFleur,

    My name is Sgt Andy Dorsett. I was with Captain Michaud on the hill that day. I want to let you know that not one day has gone by that I haven't thought about Seth and his immense bravery on 22 June. He stayed strong throughout the entire ordeal and never once showed weakness. His only concern was for his family. Rest assured, Sir, every Marine and servicemember did their damndest on the hill that day. It will always wrench my heart that we had to lose Seth. He was always my favorite officer at 461. He showed such compassion and concern for all Marines and people in general. I remember one night when we first got to Djibouti, we sat down for a head to head in Trivial Pursuit. That is just one little memory I will always hold dear. Thank you for posting this touching memorial to Seth. Semper Fi and God Bless.

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