Apple Product

I have to agree with Peter Rysavy on the overall quality of Apple’s products. They make very nice equipment that just seems to work.

I should disclose that my first home PC was an Apple (Apple ][ Forever) and my first real career in computers was as an Apple Macintosh technician. So I obviously hold a bias towards them (and an unnatural distain for John Sculley, but that is another topic altogether).

There are plenty of things I dislike about their products. But compared to what comes out of Hewlett Packard/Compaq/DEC/We-Buy-Everyone, Gateway, and Dell? Those bozos are enough to drive even Saint Peter to curse for a month.

But alas, I’m far to infatuated with .NET to ever make the switch. C# is literally the most fun I’ve had in years. And a developer I really appreciate the effort Microsoft puts into support us. Apple can’t hold a candle to Microsoft in this regard.

The real question is what to do if Microsoft decides to support .NET on the Macintosh platform. Dare I dream?


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