
Archives / 2016
  • On dependencies, dependency injection, and sanity

    What's interesting about debacles such as the recent left-padding madness is how it can get you to re-think seemingly obvious concepts, and challenge some basic assumptions. Here's in particular a little reflection that just occurred to me on the way between the bathroom and my office, and that may seem super-obvious to some of you. It wasn't to me, so here goes, I'm sharing…

  • Easy custom RSS in Orchard

    Orchard adds RSS automatically to everything that looks like a list of content items: blog posts, of course, but also comments, projections, lists, search results, tags, etc. I’ve explained before how RSS works internally, but adding a new feed from code can look like a daunting task if you’re not an experienced Orchard developer. Fortunately, there is another feature related to RSS that makes it possible to create custom RSS without writing a line of code.

  • Why I prefer spaces to tabs

    Coding convention discussions are always fun. I just had one of them on the weekly Orchard meeting, where I’ve joked that spaces are objectively superior to tabs, by which I meant that there are objective arguments in favor of spaces that I find subjectively compelling..