
Archives / 2014 / December
  • The sideways stack trace

    Stack trace from a series of asynchronous callsA common pattern in asynchronous programming is the callback pattern. Libraries such as async make use of that pattern to build asynchronous versions of common control flow structures. One unfortunate possible consequence of this is strange stack traces. For instance, here is code that executes five functions serially:

    var functions = [
    function one(done) {done();},
    function two(done) {done();},
    function three(done) {done();},
    function four(done) {done();},
    function five(done) {done();}

    async.series(functions, function final() {

  • The curse of the never-ending async method call

    Whether you use promises, callbacks, or other abstractions (except maybe the async/await pattern) to deal with asynchrony, control flow is going to get harder to follow. Stack traces are typically meaningless, and finding what went wrong can take substantially more time. One thing that very often goes wrong, especially during development, is when an asynchronous method never calls back. It may be because a service never answers, or because there’s a bug in the code that causes the callback to never be reached. No matter what the cause is, when that happens, you’re typically out of luck because by the time you notice the unusual delay, the execution engine has already left your code without leaving a trace. Breaking into the debugger will just lead you nowhere. You’ll have to tediously re-run and trace the execution of the code with lots of breakpoint into lots of callback functions. No fun.

  • Fluent asynchronous API 6: recursive calls

    This can never work:

    .then(function thenRegisterNextTick(next) {
    process.nextTick(function onTick() {

    The “next” callback function gets called from a promise the execution of which depends on the completion of the “then” call. This is a deadlock, albeit a subtle one.

  • The mysteries of Orchard’s OEmbedPart, or how to integrate YouTube videos

    The media library picker field does a fine job of integrating and rendering external videos such as YouTube videos. If you want to customize the rendering of the videos, however, you’ll have to deal with the OEmbedPart (obtainable from contentItem.As<OEmbedPart>()). OEmbed is a fairly relaxed protocol that is designed to enable the integration of bits of a site into another. It can deal with images, videos, or even arbitrary HTML. Because it is so vague in what it can do, it’s rather hard to give it a representation other than something completely dynamic, and that's exactly what OEmbedPart is doing. Its only structured property is Source, which is the URL of the original content, one of the only constants in the data. The rest is available through the part’s indexer, by name: part[“title”] for example.

  • Fluent asynchronous API 5: internally calling methods

    One more thing about fluent asynchronous APIs… Because synchronous methods are changed into asynchronous ones by the flasync helper, internal calls of a synchronous method would in principle also have to be asynchronous calls. That would go against the requirements that I’ve set in the first post to provide a way for API authors to write code that is as close as possible to what they would write in a regular API.

  • Fluent asynchronous API 4: Nope, Q won’t work

    As I said at the end of the previous post, I really thought that a promise library, Q in particular, would help, and would enable me to get rid of my helper library. It turns out, after I tried to make it work, that it won’t. The reasons have to do , among other things, with how hard it is to chain a new asynchronous method onto an existing promise, a strange limitation of those libraries. Well, in fact you can very well create a new promise that combines the old one and a new one for the new asynchronous operation, but that would mean managing a list of promises instead of managing the todo list of callbacks I have in my own helper. In other words, I would still have to maintain a helper that would be, maybe, marginally simpler than what I have now, except that it would require a dependency on another much more complex library that I didn’t write.

  • Fluent asynchronous API 2: building an API

    In the first post of this series, I established my requirements for a fluent asynchronous API, and showed what using such an API looks like. In this post, I’ll show what the code for the API itself looks like. On this side of things, the requirements are that writing synchronous methods in such an asynchronous API should look as close as possible to writing the same methods in a synchronous API.

  • Fluent asynchronous API 1: API requirements

    Today I built a fluent asynchronous API. This is hard to do if you want the API to remain as close as possible to a synchronous API, but still maintain reliable and consistent asynchronous behavior. There are examples of this around (Erik Meijer’s reactive extensions come to mind), quite a few –not always clear– blog posts, a general functional pattern, and a few npm packages. None of this however seemed to correspond exactly to what I wanted.

  • Dude, where are my images?

    So you’ve copied some images somewhere in Orchard’s media folder, but they are not showing… What’s going on? If no media are showing on the site, chances are you’re missing a web.config file under the media folder. Put one in there. If the images are only missing from the Media section of the admin, then the problem is that you’ve created orphan media.