Where did my SDK go?

If you've downloaded the recent release of the MOSS and WSS SDKs, you may be scratching your head wondering where they installed to? After all, they're just some compiled help files and samples right?

Seems that in their infinite wisdom, some young and bright engineer at Microsoft broke Phil Haacks first rule of hardware design (which bodes the same for software design). The computer belongs to me, not you!

It seems the SDK installers will hunt down and find the last writable drive in your system and install there. No questions asked. So if you have a removable drive or something (even a USB key) plugged in, it'll be there. The install paths for each SDK are as follows:

  • WSS: \Windows SharePoint Services Developer Resources
  • MOSS: \2007 Office System Developer Resources

Check on your highest drive letter in these paths for the files to see if they ended up there. When I first installed mine, I had a USB drive plugged into F: so it ended up there, after pulling all my external drives, it ended up on C:. I don't have a network drive available right now, but I would assume it might install there if you have write privledges.


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