Well, that was a short trip

Unfortunately, due an emergency I have to cancel my trip to the MVP Summit. Bummer. A week of frolicking with other MVPs, missing out (again) on Jeff's party (220+ people so you know it just has to be good, or at least crowded), a week of in-depth sessions with Microsoft product teams, and generally having a grand old time. Ah well. There's always 2009.

To my fellow MVPs and plumbers that are having a good time right about now, and the softies I was going to mame with some up close and personal paintball damage, have a great time and feel free to make fun of me or talk about me behind my back. I know you wanna.

In the meantime I guess I'll just blog about SharePoint and whatnot this week seeing that everyone else will be talking about parties and things they can't blog about. Guess I'll be the odd man out. More audience for me, and you know, it is all about me!


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