Public Terrarium Server Available

I’ve put my own server up and running for you to connect to with the new Terrarium Client and upload your critters to. It’s available at (and will be the default new server in the next build).


To configure your Terrarium Client to talk to the new server, on the main screen find the icon (2nd one in) that will take you to the settings screen:


Click on this and you’ll see this dialog:


Enter in the values you see above ( and you’ll be good to go. The server is running right now and waiting for creatures to be uploaded so good luck and please use it. Please don’t be abusive as this is a free service and I don’t want to have to spend a lot of time maintaining this guy.

I’m working on two additional sites. will host a public wiki that you can exchange design tips, ideas, and strategies with each other. will become a Digg like community for creatures where you can showcase your work and vote on other peoples animals.

Watch for the new sites to come online in the next week or two (just trying to get the wiki setup before I leave for vaction but having site creation problems).


1 Comment

  • I've tryed connecting to this server a few times over the past week. Although, i'm able to connect i experiense communication problems. On the good side the first two status lights are showing green and it reports over 100 connected peers. Also, i'm able to introduse organizms into the ecosystem. But, all teleportations fail and i don't get organizms from other peers. I enabled the Nat/Firewall support and I forwarded port 50,000 in my firewall, but still nothing comming in.

    If anyone knows how to solve this, please post it.

    Many thanks in advance.

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