A new Day, a new Community

Some time ago and for quite awhile I've been disappointed with the likes of Microsoft's Web Component Directory and even GotDotNet. Finding good tools or even trying to download them was difficult. There also wasn't much of a community aspect to it. Lots of little silo operations going on and no cross-polination of information, knowledge, code, and solutions. Hopefully that's about to change.

SharePointForge is my labour of love to compliment the type of workspaces out there already with a place firmly focused on the community. A place where you can come to and get value as a user and a contributor, quickly, easily, and without jumping through a lot of hoops.

The site is up and over the next while we'll be getting things going on a full scale basis (including user registration that will get setup in the next day or so). Immediate plans over the next few weeks as the minions get things moved in include:

  • My Site - A place for you to track your own bookmarked sites and projects and generally feel like part of the community
  • Project Help and Hosting - A place to put your stuff if you're a developer and want to show it off. Also a place to look for help from other budding SharePoint developers. 
  • Collaboration and Community Projects - A lot of new initiatives that will encompass the entire community both from a contribution perspective and a benefit one.

So sit back, relax, and join in the fun. I hope you'll enjoy the ride.


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