MVP Summit - Day 3 (Sleepless in Seattle)

It's Saturday morning as I enter this but the last few days have been an incredibly exhausting time. Our schedule on the campus starts around 5:30 when you get up, usually entails a half hour bus ride from the hotels and then various sessions. Yesterday was the most exhaustive of the schedule as our brains were saturated with presentation upon presentation. Again, a lot of stuff I've seen at PDC but the experience of having the product teams here and interacting with them makes drinking the Kool-Aid much more paletable.

The day was full of cool sessions and has got a lot of us thinking about what we'll be doing for the next year as we help you guys get up to speed on the new products, ease your migrations and pain points if you going from the current version to the new one, and generally look at doing what we do with our technology areas; push the envelope of what is possible. There's been a lot of inspiration this week, a lot of in-depth conversations with people, and a lot of new horizons to discover as we continue to integrate, innovate, and communicate our experiences and yours with the SharePoint technology stack and look at ways to really drive the creation of business solutions on the platform to the n-th degree.

After what seemed like a whirlwind day of sessions yesterday, we wound down with a trip to the Experience Music Project (EMP) and the Sci-Fi Museum (SFM) at the Space Needle last night. It was a pretty packed event but lots of interesting stuff to see. If you have a chance to check it out when you're in Seattle, give it a try. So it's off to breakfast now with the final sessions wrapping up today, saying goodbye to everyone and a BBQ to end the week. Here's to hoping the weather is good for us today.

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