ITPro Calgary and TechNet Winter Tour

No SharePoint blog today but just to let you know I'll be at the TechNet Winter Tour in Calgary on March 15 (and if all works out I'll shuffle up to Edmonton for the 17th event too as MVPs are scarce up there). I'll be there wearing two hats of sorts. One as the president of the Calgary ITPro User Group and the other manning the Ask The Expert booth mainly for SharePoint technologies but I'll field questions around the technologies used on the presentation which covers Virtual Server 2005 (Great for SharePoint development setups kids), Windows Server 2003 (the core ingredient to SharePoint, see how I tie all this in?), Network Security (SharePoint has security, hey there's a pattern forming here), and Exchange Server (SharePoint, mail, alerts, you see the connection...)

As for the Canadian ITPro User Groups, we kicked it off late last year in Calgary (along with most of the other Canadian ones) and did start the ball rolling. Now we're getting serious with a few hundred people coming out to the Mariott Hotel event. In this event, Bruce Cowper will be looking under the hood of Windows Server System. Lots of great stuff planned for this group and activities in Calgary this year.

The venues are all filled up now but there will be more to come so stay tuned. Bruce Cowper will be presenting from Microsoft at both events and I'll be doing various stuff like serving soft drinks and running to Future Shop to buy XBox prizes or something. Watch for more Calgary ITPro User Group stuff coming shortly. Hope to see you there!

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