AlternateHeaders and WSS sites...

...doesn't work. Yup, plain and simple. The ONET.XML file describes site definitions and can contain an attributed called "AlternateHeader" which you specify as your own aspx page living in the LAYOUTS\1033 directory. By default, all portal areas (everything under the SPSxxx folders) have this set to "PortalHeader.aspx" which just brings in the various CSS files and registers a couple of tag prefixes for accessing SharePoint Web Controls. However, none of the WSS site definitions have this AlternateHeader defined. You might think you're smart (several people have thought this) and set the AlternateHeader attribute to PortalHeader.aspx and magically all your WSS sites will start looking like they actually belong to the portal (i.e. having the same Portal navigation, etc.). Nope. All it does is create chaos and anarchy because SharePoint controls don't necessarily work in WSS sites. And it's only Tuesday...

1 Comment

  • Unfortunately i've come to the same conclusion. I hope to find some workaround before changing all the aspx pages in site definitions and layouts.

    Ciao Sergio aka Sharepunto

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