The Evil Empire Strikes Back

A little more than three years ago, I left Microsoft, and co-founded Nwazet, a hardware company that built cool products for makers. At the end of 2014, we sold our intellectual property to ModMyPi. Since then, I’ve been doing freelance consulting and development under the name Decent Consulting, and I’ve also been building a new CMS based on Node.js: DecentCMS… And today was my first day back at Microsoft as a Senior Program Manager.

I’ll be working on .NET end-to-end scenarios and adoption, with the potential to make a big impact. It’s a big responsibility, both towards the company and towards our community. There’s still a lot to figure out –that’s pretty much the job description–, but one thing I know: I’ll be listening to what’s happening in lots of different communities, starting with the .NET community.

About Orchard… because my day job is no longer to build Orchard modules and web sites, I’ll probably contribute a little less code, but this is a community that I co-founded, and where I made many friends. I’ll still be at the meetings every week, and I’ll still answer questions on Stack Overflow and on the forums. My hope is that by helping move .NET forward, I’ll also be helping Orchard.

About DecentCMS… This has been my pet project for nights and weekends, and it will continue to be exactly that. Work on the dashboard will begin very soon. I’m still very much obsessed with it. My new manager values my experience with Node.js, so this is perfectly aligned with my work at Microsoft.

So there you have it. I work for Microsoft. Again :) And I want to ask you a favor: if you have feedback on .NET, any kind of feedback, especially negative, that you’d like to share with me, please contact me at bertrandleroy at gmail.


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