Dependency injection in DecentCMS

DecentCMS is relying heavily on dependency injection: it is basically a composition engine, that orchestrates services. Those services have to use one another, and dependency injection is arguably the best pattern to achieve that. Let’s go over what dependency injection does, and how it’s implemented in DecentCMS.

Dependency injection frameworks typically solve the following problems:

  1. Loose coupling: components ask for implementations of a contract rather than for a specific implementation (that’s dependency inversion). This way, an implementation can easily be substituted for another, which among other things makes unit testing the components easier.
  2. Component registry: components can be registered against the framework, explicitly through code, configuration, or through a discovery and harvesting process based on some convention.
  3. Lifetime management: the framework instantiates components, and decides how to re-use them, and when to destroy them. Components don’t need to care about the lifetime of their dependencies, but just about how to use them.

Before I go over the DecentCMS implementation, let me mention that Node.js, on which DecentCMS is built, has something that could be considered like a poor man’s dependency injection framework if you squint hard: npm. The `require` function can get you an implementation based on a service name (although if you’re a little too specific, you can require a specific JavaScript file). The installed modules (found in `node_modules`) can be considered a crude component registry. Lifetime management is where it fails the hardest as a dependency injection container (which it was never intended to be as far as I know): required components are basically singletons (although you can implement them as factories or constructors of components that are not). I am however very fond of the simplicity of the `require` function, and I tried to remain close to its spirit, which also adds familiarity to the API.

In DecentCMS, dependency injection is built around the concept of a scope, as implemented in `/modules/core/di/lib/scope.js`. Scope is a mix-in that can be added in principle to any object, that adds API to register and to retrieve services.

When the server first spins up, it scans module and theme directories for js files in `services` subdirectories. That’s the convention in DecentCMS for automatically discovered services. Once the list of available services has been built, the server spins up one `shell` object per site in the system, and hands it the list of services. The shell then looks up its configuration file to figure out what services are enabled on the site they are representing.

A shell is a scope, in the sense that the scope mix-in has been applied on it. As such, a shell can resolve and instantiate services as necessary.

When a request comes in, the server will ask each shell if it can handle it. The shell that has chosen to handle the request will then apply the scope mix-in to the request object, making it a scope itself. It also passes in its list of services, and declares itself as the parent scope for the request.

The reason for this hierarchy of scopes is that not all services will live for the same amount of time. For example, a caching service must be scoped to the shell, because it needs to persist from request to request to be of any use at all. A service that composes the HTML for the page on the other hand, will have state that must remain for the duration of the request, but not longer than that. Other services are transient, and must yield a completely new instance each time they are required.

The way you build a service in DecentCMS is that you build a class that takes the scope as its constructor parameter. That class is what you export from the file.

function MyService(scope) {
this.scope = scope;

module.exports = MyService;

The service must also declare to what scope its lifetime should be bound, what service it implements, and what feature it belongs to:

MyService.scope = 'shell';
MyService.service = 'my-service';
MyService.feature = 'my-feature';

Services can also declare that they should be “scope singletons”, which means that there should be only one instance of them for their scope. If a service is not declared as a scope singleton, it is transient: its scope will still be what it asked for in its declaration, but it will be instantiated anew every time it is required.

MyService.isScopeSingleton = true;

The code in the service’s methods can get instances for other services from their scope:

// Get an instance of the first found implementation of 'other-service'
var otherService = this.scope.require('other-service');

// Get an array of instances for all enabled implementations of 'other-service':
var otherServices = this.scope.getServices('other-services');

As you can see, services are required by name. The service name really represents the contract. If you’re used to other platforms that use interfaces to resolve service implementations, this might seem imprecise, but we’re working with a dynamic language here, so we’re allowed to relax a little about that sort of thing: this is really very similar to type safety. Just let it go, you’ll be fine. One advantage here is that we don’t need to reference the module that would define the interface, which contributes to further reduce coupling. On the other hand, you might not like magic strings, but let’s keep in sight that in JavaScript, `` is the same thing as `foo['bar']`. See? Accessing any member of anything requires using a magic string. But I digress.

Let me summarize what we have so far. The service name is the contract by which service implementations are required, which implements loose coupling. Scopes are the component registries in the system, and they also represent and handle the lifecycles of the services they manage.

Note that the injection mechanism here is not the traditional constructor injection (except for the scope), it’s also not property injection, or interface injection. Instead, services are obtained from the scope on-demand. I suppose that's technically not exactly injection, but it achieves the same goals. The advantages of this are that services can be lazily required, less boilerplate code is necessary for injection, and the API will be immediately familiar to all Node.js developers. On the downside, the dependency on the framework is obvious. Typically, it’s quite visible that a service has been written for DecentCMS, even if it could in theory be used elsewhere. I don’t consider that a huge problem, because I know by experience that most services in a CMS are only going to be useful in this context. In the cases where a service is so generic that it would make sense to use it outside the CMS, I write it as a generic Node.js library, and then I use that as a regular npm dependency in a DecentCMS module. That’s what I did for the flasync library for example: here is a library that is useful for building asynchronous APIs, despite the fact that I built it for one very specific usage that doesn’t make sense outside of the CMS, the `render-stream` service that makes the link between view engines and the http response.

DecentCMS’s scopes are a powerful concept that make the implementation and usage of services very natural and fluid. The overhead is minimum for the service implementer, and the service user can keep the acquisition of dependencies close to usage. Service lifetime is entirely managed by the framework, and requires only a simple declaration from the service in order to do the right thing.


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