Stupid tests!

So OK, so it seems like I'm a supreme nerd:
I am nerdier than 93% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

But the good news is, my wife isn't:
I am nerdier than 14% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I'm also not very weird:
What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!

Talking about weird...
You are .tar You are rarely seen without your buddy gz. You're talented at bringing ideas together, so they're easier to work with.
You are Windows 2000 SP3. You're a steady and reliable friend. People think you're all business, but with your recent therapy you've become a little more playful.
I'm so glad I'm not Windows 1 or Me (see this for the nice descriptions)

But wait, it gets weirder:
You are GODFREY UGO. You are the Chairman of the Contract Debt Investigation and Payment Commission for the government of Nigeria. You have $200 Million that you wish to give away 25%. Your business is 100% risk free.


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