
Archives / 2011 / July
  • EF Code First Migrations August 2011 CTP Released

    EF Code First is a great ORM tool which lets you to develop applications in a Domain Driven approach. One of the pain point of EF Code First was the data migrations when your domain model is changing. Finally the ADO.NET team is providing a data migration solution for EF Code First that will incrementally evolve the database schema as you model changes over time. The ADO.NET team has released the CTP version of Code First migration solution named EF Code First Migrations August 2011 CTP. EF Code First Migrations is available as NuGet package named EntityFramework.SqlMigrations. The following command in the NuGet console will install the the EF Code First Migrations

  • Using MvcPaging in ASP.NET MVC Apps

    In this post, I will demonstrate how to use NuGet package MvcPaging in ASP.NET MVC apps. MvcPaging provides a Pager HtmlHelper that renders a pager based on a PagedList implementation. MvcPaging’s Pager helper is also providing Ajax functionality for the paging implementation. You can add MvcPaging package via NuGet. The following command in the NuGet console will install MvcPaging in your project.