Command Handling the Nancy Way
MiniBuss is a micro service bus framework over msmq which consists of less than 400 lines of code, sitting inside one single source file. The project is hosted over at and the source code is maintained at
I’ve been a fan of the Sinatra inspired web framework called Nancy, especially the neat way of setting up handlers for routes. The simplest sample on their site is this:
public class Module : NancyModule { public Module() { Get["/greet/{name}"] = x => { return string.Concat("Hello ",; }; } }
So, I shamelessly dug into the Nancy code and borrowed some 20-30 lines of code and came up with something like this for registering handlers for certain incoming commands on the minibus, what do you think?
public class CommandHandler : MessageHandler { public CommandHandler() { WhenReceiving[typeof(SampleMessage1)] = x => { Console.WriteLine("sample 1 message: " + x.Text); }; WhenReceiving[typeof(SampleMessage2)] = x => { Console.WriteLine("sample 2 message: " + x.Text); }; } }
It’s a bit more code but it helps/enforces you to move the handlers off to a certain module. Thoughts?