I thought one of the high priorities for Visual Studio 2005 was to get rid of the reformatting of HTML or ASPX code... But I was wrong! I am currently working with the RTM version, and to my great dismay, I can see that Visual Studio still kills my tags' layout and reformats it without notice. This is really bad news. I thought we would be freed from this pain :-(
Not sure what it's doing for you... I've never had it ever change my code without me telling it to.
Can you send me a sample page and step-by-step instructions for how to reproduce this? I haven't seen any reports of this lately.
Has not messed with mine yet. (unless I tell it to)
Yeah, that was a nightmare in vs 2003... im hoping your experience is a fluke and 2005 doesnt do that for me.
I saw this happen with <ul> and <li>. All my <li> tags were on separate lines, and all of a sudden (I don't know how) there were all on one line.
It does not happen all the time.
I will try to make a repro and send you the aspx file, Scott. Thanks.
This still happens to me almost every time I switch from design to html view and back. It's by far the most annoying "feature" of vs.net. That and the lack of any remote site features like dreamweaver has. It would be nice to upload a simple html change through vs.net
Check the following:
Tools -> Options -> TextEditor -> HTML -> Format
then click the Tag specific options button.
At the left, Client HTML tags, select li. At the right you'll get settings for li. Please check if modifying these settings affects the results you got.
Are you using VS 2005? With VS 2005 we did a lot of work to make sure formatting changes didn't happen when you switch between design and source view.
my <li>s get reformatted too when I don't put them in a <ul> tag.
Frans: I had seen that, but it doesn't fix the problem.
Scott: I've just sent you a mail with a repro.
Please keep us all posted on how this turns out! :)