SharpToolbox and JavaToolbox newsletters and updates
I've just started a new wave of updates on SharpToolbox and JavaToolbox. You can see what the latest feature looks like on the following screenshot:
My TechDays 2008 sessions available in video
The two sessions I co-presented during the Microsoft TechDays in February (and all the other sessions) were recorded, and the videos are now available. This is all in French, but I plan on recording soon an English version of my session about LINQ and C# 3. Stay tuned.
LINQ in Action reviews and quotes
Since our LINQ in Action book was published last month, we are lucky to receive a lot of nice feedback and comments. Steve, Jim, and I worked hard to make LINQ in Action a book that readers would enjoy. It's very encouraging to see what readers think about our work!
I have collected a list of reviews and quotes. -
LINQ in Action book signing session in Paris
A book signing session for LINQ in Action will take place at the Monde en Tique bookstore in Paris at the end of the month.
LINQ in Action is for VB developers too
A frequent question we get about our LINQ book is whether it's been written for C# developers only. If you think so, you're making a mistake.