Still no tabbed MDI in Firefox?
Something I miss everyday when using Firefox is Tabbed MDI (à la Visual Studio). I really hope this is something that will be implemented soon, because I often need to have two or more pages side-by-side. I do not want to open one more window - I already have enough windows on the desktop! - I just want to split the current one in two by dragging a tab to one side of the browser.
I'm pretty sure this will be implemented in IE 7 (Could someone confirm this?). Please Firefox developers, include this.
Is a new Beta required for Visual Studio 2005?
There is now an official call for a new Beta of VS 2005 and .NET 2.0.
Vote if you wish the "project-less web projects" fixed, Visual Studio 2005 cleaned-up from all the workarounds that were added to fix problems, and more of the bugs really fixed. If you have tried Beta 2 and converted your projects to it, I'm sure you agree that something has to be done.