FeedDemon preview
I haven't tried it yet, but FeedDemon looks great!
Languages in RSS feeds
Not sure I agree with Paschal. Filtering feeds by language is a technological problem. The solution should be technological, and should not impose a language on writers. If Ralf chooses to write in german, this is his choice.
Disable dynamic help
A good tip from Husein Choroomi:
Visual Studio: missing a keyboard shortcut (bis)
Still no solution for this problem? Maybe in VS2003? Someone?
The Sharp Toolbox in Visual Studio
Sudhakar shows you how to add to your Visual Studio start page.
SharpToolbox making progress
While not yet ready for prime time, the Sharp Toolbox has made progress, and the official launch is getting closer.
Search page updated
I have updated my search page to search Google searches don't yield a lot of results for this domain name yet though...