MVP Summit - Day 0 - Lift off!

And so it begins. Another conference, another series of wordy photo blog entries from my twisted sense of humor over the next week. This week 1700 MVPs are gathering in Seattle/Redmond for our kindof-annual Summit (happens every 18 months or so). This time round big Bill Gates is giving the keynote on Tuesday and there's going to be plenty of fun, networking, and surprises this week so stay tuned.

With that I have all I need. My laptop, a moose, and my passport to prove that I'm not a terrorist.


It's a few hours before I leave for the airport. Stupid me, I decided to go cheap with the flight and pick a stop-over in Vancouver. So a short flight to Vancouver (90 minutes) then a 3 hour lay over, then an hour flight to Seattle. What was I thinking?

For those of you hunting me down, I'll be at Jeff's party tonight as soon as I drop my bags off at the hotel (I touch down at 7 and the party kicks off at the same time). I'll be snapping shots of all your favorite MVPs in various state of debauchery (Rory, this means you!) and posting later tonight. I'm staying at the Grand Hyatt Seattle and will post info about what room you can charge your mini-bar too, etc. later when I can catch a breath.

The week is all NDA content so us MVPs won't be posting much info however last summit we were allowed to talk about something in Office 2007 (the save to PDF) which got nixed anyways. Maybe they'll be something we can post this time round, but I doubt it since the next version of Office/SharePoint is too far off.

My Flickr site will contain all the goodies I snap over the week. We've also created a tag for the SharePoint MVPs to swap photos so Flickr pics should be tagged with mvp07 for the summit. I also have a Flickr set for the summit here which will grow through the week. Expect at least one blog entry a day, but I'll try to squeeze in maybe 2 or 3 with pics as the conference is near our hotels so we can head back to recharge during the day (or night).

So feel free to live vicariously though my blog entries and pics and we'll talk to you later!

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