Is there a cloning machine in the house?

What a crazy month it's been and I'm just still trying to catch up here. Work is insane as I'm playing lead architect on 3 projects, ScrumMaster on those 3 projects, planning for 2 new projects (including putting on my infrastructure hat to do a 2000 user Vista upgrade). All this while trying to juggle the MOSS 2007 release of my SharePoint Forums, the first release of the Knowledgebase, SharePoint Builder, a SharePoint community site, and get ready for the MVP Summit coming up in a couple of weeks (plus a couple of other projects in the wings that are just starting). I seem to have burnt my candle on both ends, went to the cupboard and used up all the other candles there and still haven't finished. Not sure when I'm going to sleep this weekend but it'll be an interesting few days.

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