Fill out a survey, win a chance for a SharePoint Conference 2009 pass

Free? Sure, why not? Yeah, title says all. Mindsharp, Nintex, and Combined Knowledge are sponsoring a Global SharePoint Survey. This is an independent survey that you can fill out to let them know about your experience with adoption and usage of SharePoint from your perspective. The survey is quick (only 15 questions) and most questions are multiple choice. You could probably let your cat or two year old fill it out (I did) but also consider taking a few minutes to put some thought behind it (unlike what I did).

In the end, you get a chance to win a conference pass to the Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2009 (October 19-22) in Las Vegas. This pass is worth $1,119 USD if purchased with real money. A winner will be drawn randomly after the closing of the survey July 17th then notified by email and/or phone. Note the contest is *only* for the conference pass. You still need to provide a way to get there and pay for your hotel, mini-bar, and pub crawl expenses (and trust me, when you hang with SharePoint dudes, the bar bill can get pretty hefty). Still, it’s a short slice out of your life for a chance to make it big in the city that never sleep.

You can fill out the survey here. Enjoy and good luck!

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