Plumbers at Work - Episode #5 - Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

Okay, it’s a couple of weeks later after my other plumber dudes posted this but check out Episode 5 – Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster of the show on our Plumbers @ Work site. In it James, John, and I cover:

  • IronPython v1.0 Beta 4
  • The 73+ Languages in .NET 
  • Windows Workflow Foundation (WinWF) v2.2 CTP 
  • SQL Server 2005 SP1 CTP 
  • Visual Studio SDK CTP 
  • Matt Hawley’s eWorld Controls
  • Multi-Core CPUs and Moore's Law
  • and Leeroy Jenkins
  • Blackberry .NET Development with AppForge's Crossfire
  • Multi-Platform Frameworks
  • Scott Hanselman and DasBlog at Alberta .NET User Group
  • Calgary Code Camp - May 27, 2006
  • Vance Morrison - CLR Performance Dude
  • James on Locks and Lockless Programming
  • Double-Check Locking and CPU Architectures
  • MSDN Canada realDEVELOPMENT_06
  • Time Management with
  • Halo and Aliens

Podcast Link

I’m only posting this as we just wrapped up taping Episode #6 tonight so we should have the new show out this week. It was a great show and (at least we) think we’re getting better with each podcast.

At least let us believe that okay so we don’t crush our already fragile and delicate egos.

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