Buy the Ticket. Take the Ride.

Hope everyone is geared up for the VS2005 launch! Steve B is about to go onstage in San Francisco in a minute or two with the keynote speech (Developers, Developers, Developers, anyone?). It's going to be blast!

The Canadian Launch starts tommorow with my good friend John Bristowe doing the honors of presenting all kinds of crazy stuff on centre stage. The launch starts in Toronto tommorow (November 8th) with it continuing throughout most of the month (John's in for a lot of airtime).

If you had the opportunity to check out TechEd the concept of Cabana's was flying about like a wild ride. You stop in, talk to some softies, MVPs, and otherwise knowledgable gentlemen about anything you want. Something you saw at the main presentation. Something you want to do with Visual Studio but can't. Something that bugs you about SQL Server 2005. Whatever. Anyways, it's a more relaxed atmosphere and we have some whiteboards and whatnot for you to sit back, relax, and have some fun. So drop by the Cabana's for some cool fun or just to talk. The Calgary launch is November 24th so hopefully you're hooked up already. I'm also at the Edmonton Launch on the 15th and there are some VIP dinners the night before each launch so if you're going to be at those, keep a clear line between me and the cheesecake if you want to make it to your next birthday.

BTW, if you're registered for the event you're going home with a special copy of VS2005. Yup. Free. This is not the current free Express edition, but a real, full blown (non-expiring) edition of the IDE. So after you get home from the event you'll be able to start building 2.0 apps immediately. How cool is that?

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