Keep the SharePoint Web Parts burning

I don't normally blog twice in the same day, but I was talking to Mike Fitzmaurice about SharePoint Web Parts, Smart Part, ASP.NET 2.0, and migration strategies. He's posted a blog entry that is a sort of roadmap for WSS into 2006 and is an excellent summary of what's going on at Microsquishy. Basically in a nutshell, WSS "v3" is built on top of the ASP.NET 2.0 Web Part Framework and don't plan to use Whidbey Web Parts in SharePoint sites for at least a year. Definately don't deploy ASP.NET 2.0 on your current SharePoint infrastructure unless you're into pain and suffering.

My advice is to crack open that preview copy of Whidbey and the 2.0 framework (when you have time), build some ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts using the framework and get to know the new classes intimately. They are your friend and a powerful allie they are.

You can check out Mikes full blog entry here.

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