6 degrees of Office separation
As I drift through what seems like an endless rift of links, I stumbled across something fun this morning (okay, I call it fun others would call it a waste of bandwidth)
This Microsoft Office Quiz is for Windows SharePoint Services, the layer deliverying document libraries and team sites for those that dance the SharePoint dance everyday like I do. I managed to score a perfect 10, but not without struggling over question #5 as I don't use meeting workspaces but it seemed the most logical and you can never go wrong with logic (especially with the Chewbacca Defense). There's a whole schwack of quizzes for all the Office products so if you're feeling particularily geeky and want to impress your friends check out this link.
Funny how I got there. An email from someone that Kate Gregory referred me to, which prompted me to google Kate to see what she was blogging about, which led me to this post which pointed me to the quiz site. It's like playing the Six Degrees of Separation game but with geeks. Hmmm. I wonder how far away I am to Bill Gates?