DecentCMS placement files

Placement files describe how to dispatch shapes into zones. They are necessary in order to decouple UI composition from individual templates. Templates can focus on what to render, while placement determine what to render where. In yesterday’s post, I’ve shown one rudimentary example of placement. There can be a placement file at the root of each module and theme. A placement file can either be a placement.json file, or aplacement.js file if the format for JSON placement files is not sufficiently flexible for the problem at hand.

Placement works in a relative manner: more than one content item can appear on any given page, for example through lists of content items, or as widgets. Placement can dispatch the shapes created by the parts of a content item into the local zones under a given root shape that is usually the main shape for the content item.


The JSON file is the easiest to use, but doesn't provide quite as much flexibility as the JavaScript file of the same name. It can place shapes in two different ways: with specific shape names, and with matches. Here is an example of a placement.json file:

  "matches": [
      "type": "^(text|url)$", "name": "^(scope|feature|service|path|source)$",
      "path": "main", "order": "0"
  "documentation-toc": {"path": "main", "order": "0"}

The documentation-toc property describes where the shape of the same name should be dispatched. Here, it will be sent to the "main" zone, at position "0".

The matches section enables placement to work against more different shapes rather than a single one. Each object under its array of matches describes one match. Matches can be made by content item id (using the "id" attribute), by content part type (using the "type" attribute), by display type (using the "displayType" attribute), or by shape name (using the "name" attribute). Combinations of those attributes can be used, in which case all of them must be simultaneously satisfied. Each of the attribute values is a regular expression.

In the above example, shapes with the name "scope", "feature", "service", "path", or "source" that were built from a text or url part will be matched, and placed in the "main" zone at the position "0".


A placement.js file is the most flexible way to place shapes. It should export a single function that takes a "scope", a "rootShape", and a "shapes" argument:

module.exports = function placement(scope, rootShape, shapes) {

The code for the placement function can use the scope to resolve services. It should look at the shapes in the shapes array and make a decision to place each one or not. If it decides to place a shape, it should splice it out of the shapes array and add it somewhere under the root shape.

module.exports = function placeFoo(scope, rootShape, shapes) {
  var shapeHelper = scope.require('shape');
  if (!shapes) return;
  for (var i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) {
    var shape = shapes[i];
    var meta = shapeHelper.meta(shape);
    if (meta.type === 'foo') {, 'some-zone', shape, 'after');
      shapes.splice(i--, 1);

In this silly example, we handle each foo shape and place it at the end of the some-zone zone. All other shapes are left untouched. This example is functionally equivalent to the following placement.json file:

  "foo": {"path": "some-zone", "order": "after"}

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