Tales from the Evil Empire
Bertrand Le Roy's blog
ZenGallery: a minimalist image gallery for Orchard
There are quite a few image gallery modules for Orchard but
they were not invented hereI wanted something a lot less sophisticated that would be as barebones and minimalist as possible out of the box, to make customization extremely easy. So I made this, in less than two days (during which I got distracted a lot). -
Drawing transparent glyphs on the HTML canvas
The HTML canvas has a set of methods, createImageData and putImageData, that look like they will enable you to draw transparent shapes pixel by pixel. The data structures that you manipulate with these methods are pseudo-arrays of pixels, with four bytes per pixel. One byte for red, one for green, one for blue and one for alpha. This alpha byte makes one believe that you are going to be able to manage transparency, but that’s a lie.
My Orchard comment notification rule
The Rules module in Orchard enable you to set-up “if this then that” types of rules. The system is fully extensible in terms of what “this” and “that” are of course, but Orchard comes with everything you need out of the box to set-up comment notifications. Let’s create this rule:
Leaving the Evil Empire
TL;DR: I’m leaving Microsoft to found my own company. My involvement in Orchard continues unchanged.
More than one driver for a single Orchard part
Drivers in Orchard are responsible for taking content parts and using them to generate shapes for the rendering engine to transform into HTML. A little known fact is that there can be more than one driver for any given part. You might be wondering what this can be used for: one shape per part seems like a reasonable assumption.
About Orchard Governance and Microsoft
Back in September, we did something with Orchard that is kind of a big deal: we transferred control over the Orchard project to the community.
What’s the deal with Orchard and NuGet? Does Orchard suck?
Damn, Rob saw right through the PR lies of Phil Haack about the new NuGet gallery and figured it all out. Kidding, kidding. For your enjoyment and context, here is Rob’s post:
http://wekeroad.com/2011/12/06/nuget-and-orchard/ -
Source-controlled database backups
I’m not very satisfied with traditional database backup solutions. It seems like almost no progress was made since SQL Server 6.5 (at least for the built-in tools). They are still outputting monolithic binary backup files that only do the job if the only thing you expect from backups is the ability to recover from catastrophic failures. I expect more, but before I explain, we need a disclaimer:
From ScrewTurn Wiki to Markdown
I'm in the process of moving the Orchard documentation site from ScrewTurn Wiki to a Mercurial + Markdown system, where revisions are managed through source control tools instead of a fully online wiki. We see quite a few advantages in doing that, but that's a story for another post.
State of .NET Image Resizing: how does imageresizer do?
I've written several times before about image resizing in .NET and how the various built-in solutions (GDI, WPF and WIC) compare in terms of quality, speed and size. I'll put the links to my previous articles at the end of this post for reference.