Sriram's WebLog Microsoft solution specialist on web platform, Columbus Ohio

Sriram's WebLog Microsoft solution specialist on web platform, Columbus Ohio

  • Amazon's a9 search engine

    Guess what. Amazon has released their search engine beta verison. It is called a9(which reminds me with Microsoft's new weblog portal Here are the seven reason to use to

  • Datatable Select Method

     I always use .NET SDK documentation whenever I need any help on syntax/concepts. Today I thought about this weired requirement. Suppose if I want to know the method name of any ADO.NET object which returns a DataTable, what is the easiest way to get the information?

  • Link building

    Recently happened to read this “10 steps to getting links to your site” from Microsoft site. It is an interesting article which talks about “Link building” and “link popularity” which is basically Google's Page Ranking mechanism. As it is explained “Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B”.

  • Appupdater with third party components

    We have been using the Appupdater for our windows application deployment. We also using Componentone's datagrid controls for our development. Yesterday we downloaded the latest Componentone's  release for our development team and everything was working til we wanted to use the Appupdater to deploy our new version into test server. The application started crashing as it could not find the new componenetone's dll files.

  • Daylight saving - Spring Forward, Fall Back

    Read this article in Wired on the practical difficulties of changing the clock for daylight saving. Though many of the clocks and watches do the sync with WWVB, still there are many devices do not do this sync themselves which makes life difficult in certain situations.

  • longhornblogs

    Robert McLaws is maintaining this Longhorn blogs. So many blogs and how you guys are keeping up? Even with the RSS feed, I am finding it difficult to keep track and can't imagine without RSS!!

  • Usage of Dataview

     I have a datatable which has 10 different columns. I like to have 3 different dataviews with different set of columns for each dataview. Initially I thought Dataview can be considered as “Database View” as we Dataset is considered as in-memory Database. But I was wrong.