How to Pick a Project Team

Read this article in ComputerWorld. According to the author,

  • A great project team requires more than technical skills. It takes the right mix of "soft" skills, personalities and attitudes to gel and achieve results.
  • If you have to choose between specific skills and attitude, go for attitude.
  • The riskier the project, the more diversity you need in the team.
  • Don't settle with the first idea without exploring the alternatives.
  • It's helpful if team members have worked together before because it requires energy and time to build a good team.

The ideal project team should have

  1. The Architect: who knows how things could be done and never stops with the first solution.
  2. The Facilitator: who helps the team get to closure. Works closely with Architect.
  3. The Devil's Advocate: the troublemaker,the questioner;forces the group to defend its direction.
  4. The Bid-Idea Guy: who comes with “out there“ solution.
  5. The Anchor: who knows what will and won't work and what can and can't get through the bureaucracy.
  6. The People Guy: who understands how typical users behave and provides reality checks for the team.



  • Great post Sriram!

    I would also add "The Workhorse". This is the guy that can just get heads down and crank on code. Many times people in the other roles that you have mentioned can do this, but are often distracted with their duties. That's why I like to have one guy dedicated to this.


  • Jason,

    Yes I very much agree on "Workhorse". I personally know people who played this role in many projects and I myself played sometimes!

    -Sriram Vaidyanathan

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