Usage of Dataview

 I have a datatable which has 10 different columns. I like to have 3 different dataviews with different set of columns for each dataview. Initially I thought Dataview can be considered as “Database View” as we Dataset is considered as in-memory Database. But I was wrong.

As per MSDN definition for Dataview is

“Represents a databindable, customized view of a DataTable for sorting, filtering, searching, editing, and navigation.”

I don't want to hide 8 columns to use only 2 columns. I wish I have this handy feature.

Similarly, I was using Combobox in Windows forms where I need to make the controls(including textboxes) readonly at certain point of process but Combobox does not have readonly property. Though I can create new class based on Combobox class add a property as Dan Anatoli did his Codeproject article. But is there any specific reason why System.Windows.Forms.ListControl
does not have this property?

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