Appupdater with third party components

We have been using the Appupdater for our windows application deployment. We also using Componentone's datagrid controls for our development. Yesterday we downloaded the latest Componentone's  release for our development team and everything was working til we wanted to use the Appupdater to deploy our new version into test server. The application started crashing as it could not find the new componenetone's dll files.

lesson leaned:

when you use any third-party components and upgrades their latest patches/downloads, the new dlls are put in GAC and when you use the Appupdater, it will consider only your application directory(as Appupdater is essentially XCOPYing) and so your new version dlls will not be copied to your user's PCs. Only setup project can help you to install the new dll files into user's PC's GAC as it is a major upgrade as far as deployment is considered.

1 Comment

  • Assuming the application has privs, you can write all of the code you'd like as part of the update process to install new assemblies to the GAC. You'd have to use the hooks placed into the updater that allow you to use something like a webservice to pick the assemblies that need to be updated though. The .NET Terrarium does this (or did this since we took that functionality out) and it is quite easy.

    In our case we use a web service to point the updater at the appropriate assemblies and determine if updates are needed. If so, you can hook into the download process, download where necessary, install into the gac, delete the files, or whatever else you might want to do.

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