
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Life Without R#

    I am not making any news by saying what was said before - R# folks were surprised as much as we were by so early release of  VS.NET 2008. I wonder what was the reason to this early release and how soon as a result of that we will be rushing to download SP1 for it... The point is not that. What I would suggest is do not run R# in VS.NET 2008 without proper support on R# side. Wait a bit, it will come. I am saying so because coding in VS.NET 2008 without fully capable R# running is PAIN...

  • SVN Addin For VS.NET

    The adding is free and allows to work with SVN from the VS.NET (from the context menu). If your preference is not to leave the IDE and you want visual indication of the file status, AnkhSVN is the one you should check out.

  • Nothing But .NET, Calgary 2007 - Day 5

    The final day. People are tired and some 'deliverables' are slightly trimmed, but we are heading towards the target. My personal target was to wrap around the idea of agile and TDD. I defiantly do not consider myself as a person that understands exactly all the details, but I definitely see the difference and know towards what I should be heading.

  • Nothing But .NET, Calgary 2007 - Day 4

    'Almost' productive day - seeing how it works in reality is hilarious. TDD is not only allows testability,  but also to design better your code with regards to not 'what if', but 'what now'. Really powerful tool that would be great to have in my skills set. Script of the day:

  • Nothing But .NET, Calgary 2007 - Day 3

    They say "The more you know the less youA0 have to say". Almost, my version is "The more you know the more you want to scream". Why scream? Because you realize each time how much more you don't know. Well, it's a healthy process besides the fact that from a side it looks like a total mental disorder... No comments. Day 3 notes:

  • Nothing But .NET, Calgary 2007 - Day 2

    The second day was as good as the first, with a tiny exception for configuration of CruiseControl.NET - IMO, technique is valuable, not the technical details. Specification technique was bright, logging exercise was a healthy one. Learned to differentiate between state testing andA0 interaction testing, but I am not completely set on it. Here are the notes taken through out the day 2:

  • A Moment Thought

    There's a project "A notebook per child". I think we should extend that also to "A R# licence per developer".

  • Motivation Injection

    While talking to JP, I have mentioned that everyone needs to have once in a while what I call a 'motivation injection'. Being a software developer, this 'injection' means a lot. It gives you the drive to lift yourself to the next level by just realizing there's a next level. So when the last time you had you shot? :)

  • Nothing But .NET, Calgary 2007 - Day 1

    I had/will not have time over the week of the training course to sort out all the notes I am taking while participating at the session. Saying that, I want to make it clear that these are uncensored  thoughts of mine at a crazy pace of the course with tones of new material flying around between 0800 and 2400 (with a few little breaks in between).