SVN Addin For VS.NET

The adding is free and allows to work with SVN from the VS.NET (from the context menu). If your preference is not to leave the IDE and you want visual indication of the file status, AnkhSVN is the one you should check out.


  • I don't really like Ankh. It has some severe issues with resource files (It will never check them in properly) and it also tends to forget to check in random files on numerous occassions. The intregration with Visual Studio is also not the best. If you run tools like Resharper, AnkhSVN is getting very unstable (unfortunatly). VisualSVN is however a very good alternative.

  • @JV,
    I agree VisualSVN is better, but it has fees... I was looking for something visual and free to have a sense of what is for a person who's coming with VSS background.

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