
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • TDA Principle

    While reading materials about how to improve my OO code / design, I run into "Tell, Don't Ask" principle. Interestingly, I also have read this article and realized that I am still thinking as a procedural developer. But then I got confused by the idea - you can test the interactions, but how do you test the state if you trying to eliminate any trace of state from the object? Does that mean that state base testing causes to violate TDA principle?

  • DRY or not?

    One of the web applications requirements is to provide a rich user experience. Client side validation and formatting is a part of this UX. The subject I want to address today is how to achieve a good level of UX on formatting with respect to one of the OO principles, DRY principle.

  • Recommended

    The training session I took with JP Boodhoo "Nothin But .NET" was awesome. Was quiet surprised that a variation of this course, "Nothin But .NET Fundamentals" is not sold out yet. If you are anywhere near to College Station TX, and want to know what high-end fundamentals are - register to this training session.

  • Generating Changes

    This post is not going to be technical at all - pure theory of how to generate a change in minds of those who cannot accept what agility and test driven development are proposing.

  • Factory Pattern for User Controls

    User Controls are handy when working in web forms, but what a mess they can generate. I was asked what to do when UCs are used and some dependencies need to be injected during the construction - but UCs are a bit tricky in regards to construction. So the possibilities are:

  • Interface Naming Notation - To "I" or not to "I"

    While reading  R.C. Martin's book converted to C# by M. Martin "Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#" I could not ignore the fact that the Java notation for interface naming was used all over the place. Trying to be open-minded (or should I use "pragmatic" these days) I want to pop a question what is the benefit of dropping the I-prefix and how it does or does not influence the daily work.

  • .NET Framework 3.5 Affects 2.0

    I have installed .NET Framework 3.5 along with already existing 2.0 as a part of Visual Studio .NET 2008 installation. What a surprise it was to find out that the old "web site" projects were all broken... after a few hours of investigation, my coworker, Glen and I have found that the 3.5 is not so innocent and  it writes to 2.0 new version of assemblies. Why in the world it would do it?! So far this is under MS engineers investigation and I hope it was an error on our side.

  • Firebug and Prototype

    Today had to spend a bit time on client side code for FireFox. Since I'm coming from IE development only, the whole thing was not so pleasant (plus the fact that either IE sins too much or FF is not really a saint, probably both). So I ended up with 2 things that literally saved my time - Prototype JavaScript framework and Firebug addon for FF. Great to things that just made my day.