Nothing But .NET, Calgary 2007 - Day 5

The final day. People are tired and some 'deliverables' are slightly trimmed, but we are heading towards the target. My personal target was to wrap around the idea of agile and TDD. I defiantly do not consider myself as a person that understands exactly all the details, but I definitely see the difference and know towards what I should be heading.

Saying this, I would like to thank JP for the 'injection' he provided. Not only the motivation to change, but also sanity check to stay alert and be aware of the professional skills.

Trimmed noted from day 5:

10:00 Visitor pattern
- Custom IRichList extending IList is better to use everywhere.
- Visitor Double Dispatch pattern - changing the behavior of visitor based on the type of the leaf (or its state/attribute)
- Visitor pattern can remove lots of redundant code (loops, etc)
- Visitor is concerned with a single item only, simplifies aggregate processing
- Visitor is statefull
- JP: Learn well Generics and IEnumerable<>
- methods instead of properties tp improve readability
- Composite visitor with commands (technique)
- Interface Factoring - multiple interfaces and not a single fat one
- "Common ReSharper, keep up!" - JP
- Immutable objects play nicely in multi threaded environment (or use thread-aware proxies)
- Generic mappers
- Custom Container
- MbUnit allows to decorate test methods with an extended custom attributes to fake container and items in it
19:00 Hooking all together
19:15 App Running
- "Each time sharpen your sward" - JP
23:45 Topics
- [v] Get rid of MVP
- [A0 ] Domain validationA0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0
- [A0 ] Mapping from datatables to DB
- [A0 ] Web service
- [A0 ] Smart client
- [A0 ] Role based security
- [A0 ] Units conversion
- [A0 ] Lazy load
- [v] Automated unit testing of UI (WatiN)
02:30 Done.

1 Comment

  • Sean, thanks for posting this. It will be a great help in finding a topic among all those screencasts we got from JP.

    It was a fun week.

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