Life Without R#

I am not making any news by saying what was said before - R# folks were surprised as much as we were by so early release of  VS.NET 2008. I wonder what was the reason to this early release and how soon as a result of that we will be rushing to download SP1 for it... The point is not that. What I would suggest is do not run R# in VS.NET 2008 without proper support on R# side. Wait a bit, it will come. I am saying so because coding in VS.NET 2008 without fully capable R# running is PAIN...

PS: Any ideas how soon R# will be updated to deal with reality?


  • No idea about the update time, but I agree it is a pain without R#!

  • R# folks announced on the altnetconf yahoo! group mailing list that R# 4.0 will be released in the Q1/Q2-2008 timeframe. It *WILL* require an upgrade.

    I could be wrong, but I think they might update 3.x to at least coexist a little better with C# 3.x, but don't expect refactoring support because anon types, lamba expressions, etc are far too complex for a point-release.

    Use R#, just turn off the static analysis and intellisense. Check out Jeffrey Palermo's blog for more details.

  • I'm just coming to the end of my 30 trial of R# and love it. I was just about to buy a licence when the news about V4 surfaced. I'm now holding off buying until V4 is released as I'm not going to pay now and then again for a new version. It would be nice to get some clarification from JetBrains on the release timescale of V4 and pricing policy for V3 licence holders.

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