Silverlight 2 Beta2 Released

Silverlight 2 Beta2 was released today.  You can download both Silverlight 2 Beta2 and the Visual Studio and Expression Blend tools support to target it here.

Beta2 adds a lot of new features (more details below), but is still a 4.6 MB download that takes less than 10 seconds to install on a machine.  It does not require the .NET Framework or any other software to be installed for it to work, and all features work cross-browser on both Mac and Windows machines.  These features will also be supported on Linux via the Moonlight 2 release.

Silverlight 2 Beta2 supports a go-live license that allows you to start using and deploying Silverlight 2 for commercial applications. There will be some API changes between Beta2 and the final release, so you should expect that applications you write with Beta2 will need to make some updates when the final release comes out.  But we think that these changes will be straight-forward and relatively easy, and that you can begin planning and starting commercial projects now.

You can build Silverlight Beta2 applications using the VS 2008 Tools for Silverlight and Expression Blend 2.5 June Preview downloads.  You can download both of them here.  The VS 2008 Tools for Silverlight download works with both VS 2008 and the recent VS 2008 SP1 beta release. 

UI and Control Improvements

Silverlight 2 Beta2 includes a bunch of work in the UI and Control space:

More Built-in Controls

In Beta 1 only a few controls were included with the core Silverlight setup.  Most common controls (including Button, ListBox, Slider, etc) were shipped within separate assemblies that you had to bundle with your applications (which increased the app download size).  Beta 2 now installs 30+ of the most common controls as part of the core Silverlight 2 download.  This means that you can now build Silverlight 2 applications that use core controls that are as small as 3kb in size - making Silverlight application downloads small and startup time fast.

In addition to the core controls included with the base Silverlight 2 setup, we are also this week shipping additional higher-level controls that are implemented in separate assemblies that you can then reference and include with your applications.  This includes controls like DataGrid (more details on its new Beta2 features below), Calendar (now with multi-day selection and blackout date support in Beta2), and a TabPanel control (new in Beta2).

We ultimately expect to ship over a 100 controls for Silverlight.

Control Template Editing Support

One of the most powerful features of the WPF and Silverlight programming model is the ability to completely customize the look and feel of controls.  This allows developers and designers to sculpt the UI of controls in both subtle and dramatic ways, and enables a tremendous amount of flexibility.  I covered these concepts a little in my previous Silverlight Control Templating blog post here.

This week's Expression Blend 2.5 June Preview now adds designer support for editing control templates - which makes it easy for you to quickly change the look of any control without having to drop-down to XAML source to-do it. 

To see control template editing in action, just drag/drop two Slider controls onto the Expression Blend design surface:

We might decide that the slider head in the default Slider control template is too large and wide for our application.  To use control template editing to change it, we can right-click on one of the sliders in the designer and select the "Edit Control Parts" context menu item.  We can choose to create a new empty control template for our slider (and start from scratch), or alternatively edit a copy of the built-in control template (and start from that and tweak it):

After we choose to edit a copy of the existing control template, Blend will prompt us to create and name a re-usable style resource that we'll define our control template within.  We can name it and then choose to store the style at either the application level (within App.xaml) or within our current page/user-control:

When we click "ok" we'll find ourselves in template editing mode for our Slider control.  We can change, tweak, or add/remove any of the underlying elements within the Slider control's template.  Notice below how in template editing mode we can see and select any of the underlying elements that make up the slider's control template (these are circled in red below in the "Objects" window). 

To make our slider head narrower, we can select the "HorizontalThumb" element within the control template and adjust its width (either graphically or via the property grid): 

We can then use the breadcrumb navigation bar at the top of the designer to navigate back to our page and see the control template changes applied:

Notice that right now only one of our slider controls is using the new Style resource with the control template we defined. 

To apply the same style resource to the other slider control as well, we can select it, right-click, and then use the "Apply Resource" context menu to apply our "ScottSlider" style to it as well:

Once we do this both our sliders reference the same style:

Changes we make to the "ScottSlider" style going forward will automatically apply to both controls.

Note that all controls shipped with Silverlight 2 support control templates and will support the above editing experience in Expression Blend.

Visual State Manager (VSM) Support

Control templates in Silverlight and WPF support customizing both the "look" of a control, as well as the "feel" of a control.  By "feel" I mean changing its interactive responsiveness.  For example: how it reacts when pushed, when it gets focus, loses focus, is in a pushed state, is in a disabled state, has something inside it selected, etc.  Often you want animations to execute when the user interacts with a control like this.

One of the new things we are introducing with Silverlight 2 Beta2 is a "Visual State Manager" (VSM) feature that makes it much easier to build interactive control templates.  VSM introduces two basic concepts that you can take advantage of within control templates: "Visual States" and "State Transitions".  For example, a control like Button defines multiple visual states for itself - "Normal", "MouseOver", "Pressed", "Disabled", "Focused", "Unfocused".   When in template editing mode in Blend, designers now have the ability to easily edit what the button looks like in each particular state, as well as setup transition rules to control how long it should take to animate when moving from one state to another.  At runtime Silverlight will then dynamically run the appropriate animation Storyboards to smoothly move the control from one state to another.

What is nice about this model is that designers do not need to write code, do not need to manually create animation storyboards, and do not need to understand the object model of controls in order to be productive.  This makes the learning curve for creating interactive control templates really easy, and means that existing graphic designers can very easily work on Silverlight projects.  Later this year we will also be adding Visual State Manager (VSM) support to WPF as well, which will let you use the same approach with Windows applications as well as share control templates between WPF and Silverlight projects.

To see an example of this in action, let's add a Button control onto our design surface:

We can then right click on the button and edit its control template. Instead of starting with the existing default control template (like we did with the slider example above), let's create an empty control template and start from scratch:

Blend will prompt us for the name of the Style resource we want to create.  We'll name it "ScottButton" and click ok.  This will then put the designer in control editing mode for the Button, and start with an empty control template:

One of the things to notice above is the new "States" window inside Blend.  This will show us all of the available "Visual States" that the Button control exposes.  Above the "Base" state is currently selected - which allows us to define the common visual tree of our Button control template. 

We can then add some vector elements into our base state that defines the look of a custom button like below.  We could use the built-in vector drawing tool support provided by Blend to author these graphics, or alternatively use Expression Design or Adobe Illustrator to build the vector art and then import it into Blend.  Below we are adding 4 "Path" elements into our control template - one a rounded background (named "background"), one a drop shadow (named "shadow"), one a 40% opacity "shine" that adds a glow near the top, and one that defines the default inner content (in this case a picture of a house):

Note: we could have alternatively imported an image, but using vector elements will give us the flexibility to scale/stretch/transform the button later and retain a crisp look and feel at any resolution or scale (particularly useful with Silverlight mobile scenarios - where screen resolutions might be different or smaller).  It will also allow us to easily animate/change any vector element within the artwork.

Once we've finished designing our base state above, we can press F5 to run our application in the browser:

As you can see above - our Button control now has a nicer look.  Despite its new look, the button still raises the same focus, click and hover events just like before - so a developer using the button does not need to change any code when working with a button that uses our new control template.

One downside with our new button control template, though, is that it isn't interactive.  This means that I don't get any visual feedback if the button gains/looses focus, or if a mouse hovers over it.  I also don't get a nice depress/bounce-back animation when I click it.

To add interactivity to our button, we'll return back to Blend and work with our Button's control template again.  Previously we added vector graphic elements to the "Base" state of our Button control.  This allowed us to define the default visual look of all visual states of our Button.  We can now go back and customize individual Button visual states further.

For example, to implement a mouse-over behavior for our Button, we can select the "MouseOver" state in the "States" window, and then tweak the look of the button when it is in that state.  Below I've selected the "shine" vector element inside our control template and adjusted its Opacity property in the property grid to have it be more visible when in the MouseOver state.  Notice how Blend automatically highlighted the "Shine" element with a red dot and then listed the Opacity property below it in our objects window.  This makes it easy to quickly track all changes that we've made between the "Base" state and the "MouseOver" state in our control template:

We can then select the "Pressed" state in the "States" window, and customize what a button looks like when it is pressed.  We'll change two things from the "base" state.  The first change is to make the "shine" element visible (like the MouseOver state). The second change will be to slightly offset the contents of the button control - while keeping the shadow element stationary.  This will give the button a nice "depressed" look and contrast nicely with its base visual:

We can implement the offset change to the background, content and shine elements by selecting them in the designer, and then apply an offset render transform to them in the property browser:

And now when we run our application again in the browser, we'll find that our Button now has interactive visual feedback when it is being used.  Below is the "normal" look of our Button:

Hovering the mouse over the Button will then cause it to glow like below:

Clicking the button will then cause it to depress and hide the shadow (it will then bounce back once the mouse button is released):

Note that we did not have to write any code or XAML to change our Button's look and feel - the new Visual State Manager feature automatically handled moving between visual states for us. 

By default Silverlight dynamically constructs and runs a transition Storyboard for you as you move from visual state to visual state (providing a smooth animation between the two states).  You do not need to write any code in order to make this happen (note: you do still have the ability to drop down and add a custom Storyboard transition if you want to, but for most cases you can probably use the automatic Storyboard transition).

One feature you can take advantage of with Silverlight's automatic transition feature is to customize the time duration it takes for a visual state transition to occur.  You can do this by clicking the arrow to the right of a visual state and setup a rule that controls how long it should take the transition animation to run when moving from one particular state to another.

For example, we could indicate that we want it to take .2 seconds to transition from the "Normal" to "MouseOver" visual state by adding the rule below:

We can then configure this rule to take .2 seconds to transition between Normal->MouseOver like so:

We can then click on the "MouseOver" state and setup a rule that causes the transition from MouseOver->Normal to take .4 seconds:

Now when we re-run our application we'll have slower animation transitions for MouseOver scenarios, which adds a slightly smoother and more polished feel to our application.  We did not have to write a single line of code to enable this.  All controls shipped with Silverlight 2 will have built-in support for Control Template and Visual State Manager customization like above.

To learn more about the new Visual State Manager and Control Template Editing features, please check out the tutorials here and here, and the videos on it here, here, and here.


Beta2 includes some significant improvements to the built-in TextBox editing control.  Text scrolling with text-wrap, multi-line text selection, document navigation keys, and copy/paste from the clipboard are now supported.

Beta2 also now includes IME Level 3 input support (including candidate window selection) for non-western character sets:

Input Support

Beta2 adds additional keyboard support in FullScreen mode (arrow, tab, enter, home, end, pageup/pagedown, space).  Note: full key input support isn't allowed to avoid password spoofing scenarios.

Beta2 also adds new APIs to support inking and stylus input support.

UI Automation and Accessibility

Beta2 adds UI Automation Framework support into Silverlight.  UI Automation (or UIA) enables screen readers and other assistive tools to identify and interact with the components that make up your Silverlight 2 application.

Beta2 uses the UIA framework and adds UIA based behaviors to an initial set of Silverlight controls.  By the final release of Silverlight 2 all controls will have UIA based behaviors built-in.  We will also add support for high-contrast scenarios.  These features will enable you to build accessible, section 508 compliant, applications.  This UIA support will also enable automated UI testing of applications.

Animation and Graphic System

Beta2 adds support for animating custom dependency properties.  Object animation support (animating structs) is also now supported.  Beta2 also supports the ability to create Storyboards in code that can animate parts of the render tree without having to be added to it (allowing you to embed animations entirely in code).  Per frame animation callback support will be added in the final release.

Beta2 includes a new Visual Tree Helper static class that provides advanced visual tree inspection APIs.  It provides features such as the ability to enumerate children of an element and getting the ancestor/parent of a given reference element.  These APIs work against any UIElement you pass to it.


Beta2 now supports an XML based manifest file for DeepZoom collections.  Beta2 also adds extensible MultiScaleTileSource support for DeepZoom (which allows developers to hook up existing image pyramids that don’t conform with the Deep Zoom format to the high performance rendering of Deep Zoom).

WPF Compatibility

Silverlight Beta2 includes a lot of fixes/changes to improve API compatibility between Silverlight and WPF (note: the final Silverlight release will contain some additional compatibility work as well).  We are also adding some new APIs we are introducing in Silverlight 2 to WPF in .NET 3.5 SP1 this summer.

This work, combined with the VSM support we are adding to WPF later this year, will enable good code re-use across browser and desktop applications.

Media Improvements

Silverlight 2 Beta2 includes some significant Media related feature work:

Adaptive Streaming

Beta2 adds support for "adaptive streaming" - which enables you to encode media at multiple bit-rates and then have a Silverlight application dynamically switch between them depending on the network and CPU conditions.

This enables much richer end-user media experiences - since it makes it possible for content providers to provide both lower-end and higher-end bit rate versions of a video, and then have Silverlight choose the optimal one to use based on an end-user's machine hardware and network capacity.  If while watching the video the machine or network conditions change, Silverlight can automatically switch to a more appropriate bit-rate without any buffering or interruption glitch.

Silverlight's support for adaptive streaming is extensible - which enables anyone to plug-in their own logic to control where the media content comes from, and what bit-rate should be used.  This means that any CDN or media delivery provider can easily integrate their systems with Silverlight and deliver super high quality video delivery.

Content Protection

Beta2 includes DRM content protection, and supports Windows DRM and PlayReady DRM.  Both work cross browser and cross platform.

Server Side Playlists

Beta2 adds support for server side playlists (previous releases only supported client-side playlists). 

Networking Improvements

Silverlight 2 Beta2 includes a bunch of work in the networking space:

Cross Domain Sockets

Beta2 now enables cross domain networking support using both HTTP and Sockets (meaning your application can call sites other than the one the application was downloaded from).

Silverlight will check for the existence of an XML policy file on target servers that indicates whether cross domain network access is allowed.  Silverlight supports a new XML policy file format that we've developed, as well as Flash policy files (which means existing sites open to Flash can be called from Silverlight without any additional work).

Background Thread Networking

Beta2 now allows Silverlight applications to initiate network requests on background threads, as well as process/handle network responses on background threads.  This enables a bunch of powerful scenarios, and allows you to avoid blocking the browser's UI thread while doing both HTTP and Socket network communication.

Duplex Communication (Server Push)

Beta2 enables support for setting up duplex communication channels with a WCF service on a server.  This enables a clean programming model that allows servers to "push" messages to Silverlight clients without the developer having to manually poll servers for changes.  This programming model is very useful in a variety of scenarios, including instant messenger/chat applications, and monitoring/update applications like stock tickers and trader applications.

Web Services

Beta2 enables significantly improved interop with SOAP based web-services.  Web service proxy class end-point URLs can now be configured without recompiling applications.  Visual Studio also now has a new "Silverlight-enabled WCF Service" project item template that you can add to ASP.NET web projects to publish services to clients.

REST and ADO.NET Data Services

Silverlight includes support for working with REST based web-services. 

Beta2 adds support for calling and consuming ADO.NET Data Services (formerly code-named: "Astoria").  ADO.NET Data Services will ship as part of .NET 3.5 SP1 and makes it easy to publish data end-points within an ASP.NET web project that are consumable from any client using REST URIs.  Silverlight Beta2 now includes ADO.NET Data Service client support that allows you to easily call these services (and optionally use LINQ expressions within Silverlight to express remote REST queries to them).


Silverlight supports calling JSON-based services on the web. 

Beta2 now includes LINQ to JSON support that enables you to easily query, filter, and map JSON results to .NET objects within a Silverlight application.  This makes it easy to call and work with existing AJAX end-points and services published on the web. 

Data Improvements

Silverlight 2 Beta2 includes a bunch of work in the data space:


Beta2 adds a number of new features to the DataGrid control. These include:

  • Auto-sizing support for columns and rows
  • Column sorting (with both single column and multi-column sort support) 
  • Column re-ordering support by end-users (allowing them to drag/drop columns to re-arrange the order)
  • Frozen column support (allowing you to prevent a particular column from being customized)
  • Performance and bug fixes


Beta2 adds more core data-binding features and better validation support.  These include:

  • Per-binding Validation and BindingValidationError event handler support on controls (allowing you to handle input validation with TwoWay bindings)
  • Support for binding expressions on attached properties
  • Richer binding value conversion support (including value conversion fallback support)

Isolated Storage

Silverlight enables applications to store data locally on a client (via a feature we call "Isolated Storage").  Applications can prompt users to grant them size permissions for this storage (for example: a user might grant an email program 50MB of local storage). 

Beta2 increases the default local storage space provided to Silverlight applications to 1MB in size.  Beta2 also now provides better end-user support for managing per-site storage permissions, as well as the ability to easily revoke/delete an application's local storage.  Management UI to control this can now be brought up by an end-user by right-clicking on a Silverlight application and choosing the "Silverlight Configuration" menu option.

Understanding Compatibility with Silverlight 1.0 and Silverlight 2 Beta 1

Silverlight 2 Beta2 is compatible with applications that target Silverlight 1.0.

Silverlight 2 Beta2 will not run applications that target Silverlight 2 Beta1, since we've made a number of API changes between the two betas for the new features being added in Silverlight 2.  Browsers that have Silverlight 2 Beta1 installed which visit a site that hosts a Silverlight Beta2 application will be prompted to upgrade to the newer beta of Silverlight.  Once they do this they won't be able to run Beta1 applications without uninstalling Beta2.  This means that if you have published a running sample on the web built with Beta1 you will probably want to update it to Beta2 soon. 

We have published a document that details the changes between Beta1 and Beta2 here that can help with this.  I also recommend reading Shawn Wildermuth's What Changed in Silverlight 2 Beta2 and Upgrading your Silverlight 2 Projects to Beta2 posts for more details on some of the changes between Beta1 and Beta2.


To learn more about Silverlight 2 and download the Beta2 release, please visit the and web-sites.  We'll be posting articles, tutorials, videos and more on both sites in the days and weeks ahead.  I'll also be posting some tutorials of my own here on my blog as well. 

If you haven't already read them I'd also recommend checking out my previous First Look at Silverlight 2 and First Look at Expression Blend with Silverlight 2 blog posts that I wrote a few months ago when Beta1 shipped, since they provide a good overview of the Silverlight programming model and how to target it using both Visual Studio 2008 and Expression Blend.

Hope this helps,



  • Awesome! Thanks once again for all the great info, Scott.

  • Scott;

    Great news!

    To take advantage of ADO.Net Data Services, you said, it's part of SP1. Could you please explain in what order I should install these?

    1) SP1
    2) SL Beta2 Tools
    3) Expression Blend June Edition
    4) Deep composer


  • We've been using the project template that Jeff Wilcox highlights. Is there an update coming for the Silverlight unit test harness now that beta 2 is out?

  • Thank you and SL team for the great tools. This is a bunch to take in for now, but as alway we greedy people want more. When do you expect to release the other controls? SL2 Final Release? When can we expect to see a preview list of controls included?

    "We ultimately expect to ship over a 100 controls for Silverlight."

  • I hope you've added dropdownlists!

  • Great job!

    Is there still no support for VS 2008 Express edition?

  • Hi Ben,

    >>>>>>> 1) SP1 2) SL Beta2 Tools 3) Expression Blend June Edition 4) Deep composer

    The order you listed above it probably the best order to-do it in. VS 2008 SP1 beta is optional - if you want you can also installs those on top of just VS 2008. If you want to use ADO.NET Data Services, though, you'll want to install SP1 - since that ships as part of it.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi mhenderson,

    >>>>>>>> We've been using the project template that Jeff Wilcox highlights. Is there an update coming for the Silverlight unit test harness now that beta 2 is out?

    I believe Jeff will be shipping an update to his harness soon. Keep an eye on his blog (and I'll also send him mail reminding him).



  • Henry, you could go a long way with the free Blend 2.5 Preview and do some source editing with Express.

    Of course .NET and XAML can be done in notepad and the command line or a little higher up with things like xamlpad, kaxaml, etc. though far from super productive.

  • Hi ColinM,

    >>>>>>> I hope you've added dropdownlists!

    Beta2 unfortunately doesn't have the dropdownlist/combobox control yet. It will be built-into the final release though.

    Hope this helps,


  • This is the happiest day of my life :D

  • Hi Henry,

    >>>>>>> Is there still no support for VS 2008 Express edition?

    Today's VS Tools for Silverlight download requires VS 2008 Standard or higher, and doesn't work with the free VS express editions.

    Visual Web Developer 2008 Express SP1, though, will enable support for class library and web application projects. Once the final SP1 release occurs this summer we'll update the VS Tools for Silverlight download to work with it as well - which will provide you with free VS tool support for Silverlight development.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Scott;

    >> If you want to use ADO.NET Data Services, though, you'll want to install SP1 - since that ships as part of it.<<

    Yes, ADO.Net Data Services is the key here. Are there any docs or samples how to use Astoria in Beta 2?

    Secondly, I'm surprise to see that Blend June edition does not require .Net 3.5 SP1 upgrade or at least to resolve some memory issues that are fixed as part of .Net 3.5 SP1.


  • Hi Ben,

    >>>>>>>> Yes, ADO.Net Data Services is the key here. Are there any docs or samples how to use Astoria in Beta 2?

    Shawn posted a tutorial on this a short time ago that you might find useful:

    >>>>>>>> Secondly, I'm surprise to see that Blend June edition does not require .Net 3.5 SP1 upgrade or at least to resolve some memory issues that are fixed as part of .Net 3.5 SP1.

    Blend takes advantage of the performance improvements in .NET 3.5 SP1, but doesn't require the SP to be installed in order to work. It works fine with both .NET 3.5 and .NET 3.5 SP1.

    Hope this helps,


  • hi Scott - is there any support for using Silverlight 2 for a web service or "daemon"-like service (i.e. Windows service, but on other platforms)?

    as more things get stuffed into Silverlight, it seems to makes it a better .NET dev platform than Mono, when looking at doing web services and service-oriented apps on Mac/Linux.

    interested to hear if this is part of the roadmap or not...


  • Hi Scott,

    Awesome stuff, thanks.

    I noticed that the XAML that the Visual State Manager creates is not recognized by VS 2008. Just curious if the tools are going to be a bit behind the features and if they will all catch up to each other by RTM.

    You know you'e done something good when a graphically challenged developer like me can create slick looking UIs :)

  • Kirk - that would be interesting. It appears neither the sockets implementation (limited to outgoing on ports 4502-4534 with TCP only) now the new Duplex Services can listen as a server for incoming requests.

  • Got this error: failed with 0x80070643 - Fatal error during installation.

  • Hi Scott
    Love where SL2b2 is going and am glad that there seems to be a large group of developers going with you.
    I was wondering why there is no viual designer in VS2008 as yet.
    I have been using WPF for some of the xaml design and going to expression blend for the hard stuff.

    Do you see a major shift to expression for programmers?

    Just wondering.

  • Does the updated beta work in FF3 now that it is so close to release?

  • Great job! Downloaded and anxious to try out. This is one of the greatest tool developed by MS. Looking forward to seeing Treeview control.

  • Hi Aaron,

    >>>>>>>> Does the updated beta work in FF3 now that it is so close to release?

    Yes - Silverlight 2 Beta2 supports FireFox 3.



  • Hi Martinr,

    >>>>>>>> Love where SL2b2 is going and am glad that there seems to be a large group of developers going with you. I was wondering why there is no viual designer in VS2008 as yet. I have been using WPF for some of the xaml design and going to expression blend for the hard stuff. Do you see a major shift to expression for programmers?

    We are working on an interactive Silverlight designer for Visual Studio - but it isn't ready to ship just yet. Instead we have the Silverlight XAML source editor with design-time preview inside VS 2008 right now. In the future we'll be enable the WYSIWYG interactiveness as well.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Ydu,

    >>>>>>> Got this error: failed with 0x80070643 - Fatal error during installation.

    Sorry you ran into this. If you can send me an email ( with details we can have someone on my team take a look and try to figure out what the problem was.



  • Hi Kirk,

    >>>>>>>>> is there any support for using Silverlight 2 for a web service or "daemon"-like service (i.e. Windows service, but on other platforms)? as more things get stuffed into Silverlight, it seems to makes it a better .NET dev platform than Mono, when looking at doing web services and service-oriented apps on Mac/Linux. interested to hear if this is part of the roadmap or not...

    For security reasons right now we don't allow a Silverlight client to accept a network request that it didn't initiate. We have this restriction because we want to make sure that hackers can't try and create worms using Silverlight.

    The good news is that the programming model for Silverlight is a subset of the full .NET Framework, though, so you can use the Windows Service support inside .NET to create your service and write the socket code to receive connections. The logic for threading and sockets should be the same between Silverlight and the full .NET FX.

    Hope this helps,


  • hi Scott - say if all i wanted to do was host a REST service on Mac/Linux, using Silverlight. is that possible? given your first point of accepting network requests, that doesn't sound possible.

    i don't care about the UI side of Silverlight, and am just looking for .NET fx support on Mac/Linux, so i can reuse our current Windows-based services under the Silverlight runtime on other platforms. i just want the "daemon" semantics of a long-running process, like to Windows services, and want to interface with them via a REST API.

    we have a lot of C#/.NET code that i'd like to reuse on other platforms, but it's all server-side code that would be accessed via a REST API.

    i know Mono gives us a lot of what we're looking for on other platforms, but Silverlight seems like it would be better supported in the future.

    i'd be happy to describe this in more detail privately, if that'd be helpful.


  • Got a problem with Silverlight tool for VS2008 after installing silverlight_chainer.exe.
    When I try to create a new "Silverlight Application" project, I got:
    Method 'SelectSilverlightProject' in type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Silverlight.SLPackage' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Silverlight, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' does not have an implementation.

    I do have vs2008 SP1 Beta installed, not sure if that might cause the problem.


  • VSM means that there will be no trigger support in Silverlight? And since you plan to integrate the VSM in WPF using triggers may become bad coding style because of the lacking compability...?!


  • Great! Thanks for the update.

  • Don't you get lots of spam from putting your email out in these blogs? haha.

    I can't wait for RTM!

  • I'm using Adam's WPF Unleashed book as my reference and it indicates you specify a Style's TargetType like so:

    but that doesn't work in Silverlight whereas this does:

    Why the discrepancy between these two variants of WPF? It strikes me as a bit troubling.

  • mhenderson,

    >>>>>>>> We've been using the project template that Jeff Wilcox highlights. Is there an update coming for the Silverlight unit test harness now that beta 2 is out?

    I just went ahead and posted updated templates for C# and VB targeting Silverlight 2 Beta 2. There's actually no need for updated test framework binaries for Beta 2. For details, or if you have any questions, please check out:

    -Jeff Wilcox

  • Congrat All The Team

  • Great release. Silverlight is looking better and better.

    I understand the need to proceed slowly on some of this stuff, and make sure that you get certain things right before moving on. However, is there anywhere to get a timeline of what you've got planned for Silverlight vNext? Of particular interest is the possibility of 3D support. I'm currently working on a project that will be good in Silverlight 2, but will really pop if I could get some 3D action going.

    Even just a simple confirmation or denial would help me know where to concentrate my energies. :)

  • thanks a lot for keeping us upto date...

  • Q: I have developed a SL2B1 application. will people addrssing my app for the first time be able to download the corresponding silverlight version for their browser (i.e. SL2B1 and not SL2B2)?

  • The DeepZoom Composer link does not work on the link pages you've supplied.

  • Hey Scott, Great stuff.

    I'm not getting the context menu of SL (Silverlight Configuration) in Firefox. It shows up in IE though. Is this by design? I'm using FF 2.

  • Scott,
    Awesome News!!! Thanks!

  • oh no support for RTA languages :X
    Can't we have hints on how to emulate support for them?

  • The Visual State Manager is very cool. I know several businesses that could use this in their development for WPF right now.. Is this coming with a later .NET 3.5 SP beta? Does it require code in .NET to support this feature? Will this for instance support different targeted frameworks or just the new Silverlight/.NET 3.5 sp2?? This is getting everyone really excited about new functionality, thanks for the great discussion on this.

  • Hi Ydu/Scott -

    >>>>>>> Got this error: failed with 0x80070643 - Fatal error during installation.

    Had the same issue and the following step fixed it:

    I removed 'Update for Micrsoft VS 2008 Professional - ENU (KB949325)' thru Add/Remove. Tried again and voila!! All good now.

  • Hi Scott,

    I got a same problem as Alex.

    I can't even load the existing silverlight project.

    Method 'SelectSilverlightProject' in type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Silverlight.SLPackage' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Silverlight, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' does not have an implementation.

    FYI: I don't have VS.NET 2008 SP1 installed.


  • thanks, silverlight is very good

  • I realize that this is comment number 1 million... but thanks again for answering my email (a few months back) about the Duplex functionality. Impressive work Scott, even for The Gu.

    Thanks again,
    -Timothy Khouri

  • Great, great job. Couldn't wait to get my hands on it.

  • great work as always :)

    got a question though, how are the states for a control defined? is there xaml to define them or are the derived from triggers or something? im asking becuse i was thinking about getting them into a custom control :)

  • Well done, Scott! Spent some time test-driving few features; was impressive! Thanks for the great job...

  • Hi Christian,

    >>>>>>>> VSM means that there will be no trigger support in Silverlight? And since you plan to integrate the VSM in WPF using triggers may become bad coding style because of the lacking compability...?!

    We won't have triggers in Silverlight 2 - although it is something we are planning to enable in the future. VSM and Triggers actually work very well together, and the WPF version of VSM will support and use triggers. For example, you could use a trigger to kick off a move from one state to another. So I tend to think of them as complementary.

    Hope this helps,


  • These are some great changes, I have one issue that's very important to my usage of Silverlight. I don't understand why socket support hasn't moved to the same model as isolated storage. A user initiated action should prompt the user to allow socket access to a given site over a given port. This would open up the potential applications tremendously; cross browser FTP clients come to mind; Personally I'd be happy if we were limited to ports above 1024.

  • Hi Alex,

    >>>>>>>> When I try to create a new "Silverlight Application" project, I got: Method 'SelectSilverlightProject' in type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Silverlight.SLPackage' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Silverlight, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' does not have an implementation. I do have vs2008 SP1 Beta installed, not sure if that might cause the problem.

    Sorry you ran into this. Brad Bartz has a good blog post that I think might help with this error. Can you check out his recommendations here to see if that fixes it:



  • Hi Hery,

    Sorry you are having problems getting the tool support installed. Brad Bartz has a good blog post that I think might help with this error. Can you check out his recommendations here to see if that fixes it:

  • Hi r_keith_hill,

    >>>>>>> I'm using Adam's WPF Unleashed book as my reference and it indicates you specify a Style's TargetType like so:


    >>>>>>> but that doesn't work in Silverlight whereas this does:


    >>>>>>> Why the discrepancy between these two variants of WPF? It strikes me as a bit troubling.

    WPF actually supports a variety of ways to set styles. For Silverlight we have fewer options to-do this (both to make things simpler as well as keep the download size tight). The good news, though, is that the way you do it in Silverlight always works with full WPF (so they are compatible).

    Using a style resource declaration like:

    Will work in both Silverlight and WPF.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Devin,

    >>>>>>>> Great release. Silverlight is looking better and better. I understand the need to proceed slowly on some of this stuff, and make sure that you get certain things right before moving on. However, is there anywhere to get a timeline of what you've got planned for Silverlight vNext? Of particular interest is the possibility of 3D support. I'm currently working on a project that will be good in Silverlight 2, but will really pop if I could get some 3D action going. Even just a simple confirmation or denial would help me know where to concentrate my energies. :)

    We won't have full 3D support with the initial Silverlight 2 release, although it is something we'll be looking at pontetially enabling in the future. WPF does have hardware accelerated 3D today - so that is another option to consider.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi al,

    >>>>>>> got a question though, how are the states for a control defined? is there xaml to define them or are the derived from triggers or something? im asking becuse i was thinking about getting them into a custom control :)

    For custom controls you can define the states inside the control template, and then expose them via meta-data on the control.

    Another option to consider when using states, though, is to use a user control. You can create your own custom states and state groups within it, then call the ViewStateManager.GoToState() static method to navigate it to the particular state. The "Add States to User Control" video on this site shows how to-do this:

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Don,

    >>>>>> The Visual State Manager is very cool. I know several businesses that could use this in their development for WPF right now.. Is this coming with a later .NET 3.5 SP beta? Does it require code in .NET to support this feature? Will this for instance support different targeted frameworks or just the new Silverlight/.NET 3.5 sp2?? This is getting everyone really excited about new functionality, thanks for the great discussion on this.

    The VSM support won't be in .NET 3.5 SP1 - instead we are planning to ship it as a separate update later this year. I don't believe it requies an update to .NET - instead it will run on top of .NET 3.5 SP1 itself (we added hooks to enable this).

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi vienigas,

    >>>>>>>> Here in Latvia we have special alphabetic letters like ā, which ar typed like 'a (or GrAlt+a). Both in Beta 1 and Beta 2 typying 'a shows as ''a, but GrAlt+a doesn't give letter at all. On forums this issue is reported for other western languages. Possible workarounds are using one-key layouts (non qwerty) or copy+paste from Notepad. Hopefuly it will be fixed, because now it makes textbox useless.

    Yes - unfortunately we don't support Gr-Alt keys yet. This is definitely something we are planning to fix for the final Silverlight 2 release.



  • Hi Nicolas,

    >>>>>>>>>> Is it normal that in the Asset Library in Blend 2.5 June Preview, I cannot find TabControl ? (it is however available in the Visual Studio toolbox)

    You need to add the extended and data control assemblies to your project for the Tab, Calendar and DataGrid controls to show up in the Asset library. Right now the asset library only populates with those controls that the project currently references.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Kellen,

    >>>>>>> These are some great changes, I have one issue that's very important to my usage of Silverlight. I don't understand why socket support hasn't moved to the same model as isolated storage. A user initiated action should prompt the user to allow socket access to a given site over a given port. This would open up the potential applications tremendously; cross browser FTP clients come to mind; Personally I'd be happy if we were limited to ports above 1024.

    It is something we might be able to support in the future. For this release we are trying to be really conservative from a security perspective, though, and to ensure that we don't introduce any features that we'll later want to restrict down because of security concerns. One option to consider in the meantime is to implement a socket proxy on your server. That way you could use the FTP protocol on one of the allowed ports to your target server.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Scott,

    I cannot install the beta 2 on my MacBook Pro (Intel-based) when running OS X 10.5.3. The error I get is that the plug-in cannot be installed on a PowerPC system. This problem also prevented me from installing the beta 1 of Silverlight 2.0 (but I forgot to report it).
    Just wanted to let you know ....

    Luckily I also have a Vista partition where I can try it out.

    Nis Wilson Nissen,

  • >>>> The "Add States to User Control" video on this site shows how to-do this:

    awsome link:)
    (you guys should link to more often, i didnt even know it existed a month ago and i hang out on msdn all the time :) )

    would such states show up in blend as well?
    also, any chance on making GoToState an extension method? :)

    again, thanks for all this great stuff :)

  • Scott,

    This might not be the best place to post, but I know you're dealing with everything dev related at MS. Will there be a .NET Compact Framework SP1 release with the his brother's release?

  • Scott,

    I've seen that you've provided a support for IME languages. When shall we see a full support for BiDi languages like Arabic and Hebrew ? If you continue to let this go as is, assuming that 3rd party should provide such a solution, we will end up with duplicates of control sets each targeting a set of languages. I would assume that if compatibility with WPF is in your list, then the full support for BiDi languages should be provided in the final version of Silverlight 2 .. or am I wrong ?

  • Hi Scott,
    Is there anyway we can use Silverlight DataGrid in desktop application?

  • Scott I'm interested in "Beta2 also adds extensible MultiScaleTileSource support for DeepZoom (which allows developers to hook up existing image pyramids that don’t conform with the Deep Zoom format to the high performance rendering of Deep Zoom)."
    Does this mean we can specify different storage and filenames for the pyramid, for example Virtual Earth? I'm staring at the "MultiScaleTileSource" class not seeing anything around this to impliment. Or is this more about different ways to specify the exisiting structure, like using a database or web service rather then an xml file?

  • Very thank, Scott and your group ! i'm waiting along time for release of beta 2. Hope RC release nearly one day !

    Advance !

  • Dear Scott,
    I think it's not my first time to ask you if there will be any RTL(Right-to-Left) Languages support for inputs (like TextBox) and display, in future releases of Silverlight?
    I;m sure you understand the importance of this feature for all those who want to upgrade their Hebrew or Arabic or Persian projects to use the benefits of Silverlight!
    I'm Looking forward you answer.
    Mohammad Porooshani

  • Hi Scott. This year we saw some really cool features for silverlight, vs 2008 and expression. One I am really keen to use is the ad template. Any idea when it is going to be released?



  • WoW lot of improvement... specially the control set that you are talking about... almost 100 built in control will be huge...
    seems silverlight release will be a blockbuster..
    looking forward to more improvement in silverlight

  • It seems that Silverlight only works partially in FF3. Hardrock Memorabilia works, but Channel9 and many other Microsoft sites still say I have to install Silverlight.

  • Scott,

    Great Job. I was wondering if you could publish a list of the 100 controls that you are planning to ship with SL2. You could even caviat them with "possibly", "probably", "definitly" or "already in there". This will help me plan out my use and keep me from wasting my time rolling my own. It will also make it so you don't have to answer one off questions like will a treeview control be a part of the final SL2 release? Just a thought.


  • Now that SL2 is closer to final release, is there plans to release SL tools for SharePoint? Will there be a separate app like SharePoint Designer or integrated within VS08? Thanks.

  • Hi Scott,

    I think there are a few serious problems with this new release. I had been using the previous beta with very little problem. But I just installed the new (beta2) chainer and have nothing but problems. First of all, I uninstalled the March Blend Preview, Silverlight 2 beta SDK, and tools for VS (and rebooted) before doing the beta 2 chainer install. The install itself went fine. The first problem was that i could not debug my previous project even though it said it upgraded it. Next I tried to start fresh and rebuild the project from scratch. Just a basic project will crash VS 2008 (no SP1 beta) upon exit. Nothing else is needed; just add new "Silverlight Application", compile, save, close VS, crash! Reopen VS, Open the solution, close VS, crash... you get the idea. But the biggest problem is that I can't add a service reference to an ASMX project in the same solution. Discover does not find anything and getting it manually from the url finds the service but gives the error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when I try to add it. A WPF project in the same solution can find and add the service reference without issue. Actually, beta 1 also did not have this problem either.

    Not sure what to say... At this point I'm just trying to see if I can get beta 1 working again. Not much fun for me this weekend. :(

    BTW, the crashing VS problem seems to be fairly widespread. Please look at the forums on for other people's experiences. Not sure if the adding service reference problem is happening to others.


  • Each release is getting more and more exciting :)

    Any updates on dragging into silverlight from outside the environment? such as dragging a file from the desktop into silverlight (given your ui element accepts the drop request)..

    I remember this being asked on the last beta, and I think sl forums said it would be a security risk because sl cannot access the harddrive.. but surely the browser can, and by the time it gets to silverlight, we're just getting a private stream to that file..

    I know IE you could write activex controls to take drop and drops.. so it could be done in IE.. I'm just not sure if all browsers can provide 'plugins' with drag and drop support?

  • I have had no luck installing any versions of Silverlight with VS 2008. Now that Beta 2 supports VS 2008 SP1, I thought I'd try installing that first, then SilverLight Beta 2. The installs went smoothly this time but when I try to create a Silverlight project (File/New Project, select Silverlight Application). I get:

    Method 'SelectSilverlightProject' in type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Silverlight.SLPackage' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Silverlight, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' does not have an implementation.

    Any ideas?

  • "We ultimately expect to ship over a 100 controls for Silverlight."

    I've read several places that the controls in SL2 B2 will be the final control list. Should we expect more in the final release? What is the goal timeframe of releasing all 100 controls? Could you release the list of 100 controls?

  • Hi Scott,
    Great news and great article again!
    I have a question which is a bit off topic. Is there any possibility that Silverlight will be available on Apple's iPhone? Are there any negotiations running? Would that be a a technical problem or is it just policy issue?

  • Scott, you had mentioned that most of the components have moved to the plugin. I've gone through all my CS files and told VS to remove unused "Using", but my XAP file is still the same as Beta 1.

    Do I need to remove anything else from my XAML or References?

  • Nice job Scott,
    Do you have any plan to reduce the download size. I think downloading 4.6 MB for some low speed connections is time consuming.

  • Hi Scott,

    Is the new Deep Zoom in Beta2 using plain XML files? If so, that's huge. That means we could create Deep Zoom content on the fly, right? I figure I could create the XML/image assets for the image pyramid myself, but is there an API (or plans for an API) for creating it?

  • Installation failed on Vista... got this:

    Exe (c:\bcb87b053447c93ca47381e607\silverlight_uninstallrtmpatches.exe) failed with 0x80070643 - Fatal error during installation. :
    [6/9/2008, 10:6:40] (IronSpigot::ExeInstallerBase::PerformAction) PerformOperation on exe returned exit code 1603 (translates to HRESULT = 0x80070643)
    [6/9/2008, 10:6:40] Action complete
    [6/9/2008, 10:6:40] (IronSpigot::LogUtils::LogFinalResult) Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643), Fatal error during installation.

  • Ok my bad... should have read the instructions! But when I try to uninstall KB949325 from the updates it fails :( I have the orginal insatll media for VS2008 but it when the uninstall routine asks for it gives an error 1706 saying the installation package cannot be found & asks for a valid copy of the installation. But the disk is ok!

  • I see in you example above that you have a shadow for a button. I was able add a shadow to a button using blend 2005 March 2008 preview, but only in WPF projects. In silverlight, I cannot see the bitmap effect option. So two questions...

    I have been trying to add a shadow to the grid I have. Is it possible?
    Is bitmap effect option not available for silverlight projects or is it now available for the latest blend version?

  • Duplex Communication (Server Push)- This is what I was waiting for from the past 6 months. Thanks

  • Hi,scott

    A big bug in silverlight beta2, That's in chinese typewriting,if input one word,the silverlight textbox auto add other same word follow the input word!

  • After seeing the NBC's planned use of Silverlight on their Olympics site at Mix08 I decided to sign-up. Today, going to look at a video it asked me to install Silverlight 2 beta 1 (though it should already be installed). It then said evaluation period expired. It also offered to take me to the Silverlight install site but it reported that the latest is installed. Is this just me or is it going to affect other NBC users - and am I screwed?

  • I have installed silverlight 2 beta 2 this morning and also installed silver light 2 for visual studion 2008. Everything works fine but DataGrid. When I try to drag and drop from toolbar it gives me an error "The Operation could not be completed. Invalid FORMATETC structure". Datagrid also doesn't show up in intellisense. Any idea....

  • When do you sleep - or is that a false assumption? :)

  • Thanks Scott,

    There are some really useful controls and features in this release.
    Also, it's nice to see the 'Open in Expression Blend...' option working in VS again.

    I have a couple of questions -
    - Is there an SL equivalent of the Ajax Sys.Services.AuthenticationService?
    - Is there a published list of controls and features that will ship with the final relase of SL.
    - Will wsHttpBinding be supported in a future release?


  • I am sure you are aware that your wonderful Digg example is broken or am I missing something?

  • Any source of info for the "Networking Improvements" parts, eventually with some examples/


  • Someone removed ConvertAll from System.Collections.Generic.List... :(

  • Hi, I am having problem with event bubble up. I am making a video player and for user interaction I am using mousebutton up and down events but they are not working in beta 2. :(
    Apart from that Its a great thing.

  • Silverlight Chart Visifire which is an open source is now compatible with Silverlight 2 Beta 2

  • Are there any thoughts of adding Web Cam/Video support to Silverlight? Something like what Flash already has?

    Our product has to stream user submitted videos through Media Server. Users will be able to upload video's but also record video's online. The lack of video recording support in silverlight might force us to go for Flash/Flash Media Server...

  • Hi Scott,
    will Silverlight 2 support
    - "Wrap/DockPanels",
    - "MouseRightButton/ContextMenu",
    - "UI-to-UI" Binding ( Text="{Binding ElementName=myElement, Path=myElementProperty}
    - Datagrid: ColSpan


  • >>>> UI Automation (or UIA) enables screen readers and other assistive tools to identify and interact with the components that make up your Silverlight 2 application

    Scott, I read this and while I haven't looked yet to see *how* you achieve this interactivity, it makes me wonder how much harder it would be to let Silverlight automatically spit out content that spiders (e.g. Googlebot) can read / understand / index. I expect that'd be an ASP.Net feature (user agent sniffing, pull content out of the silverlight app's dll, serve as HTML), but that would definitely be a 'killer app' for MS rich web apps, since it's something that's not well handled by other browser plugin development environments at this point. Has there been any discussion on your end in that regard?

  • Dear Scott,

    I met a problem when I implemented Silverlight 2 in my project.


    A Live Search box will be shown after you input your keywords and click "GO". Now the problems lie in that:

    1, The result box is displayed behind the Silverlight area; while in reality it is supposed to be displayed in front of the Silverlight.

    2, When the result box is displayed behind the Silverlight, the user can still do some operation on the search result box.

    These two problems are to be tackled because they have now blocked my work.


  • I tried the TabControl.ItemsSource with a collection of a very simple object and I got an InvalidCastException : Unable to cast type "my object type" to type "System.Windows.TabItem". Is it a bug with the TabControl?


  • Dear Scott,

    I met a problem when I implemented Silverlight 2 in my project.


    A Live Search box will be shown after you input your keywords and click "GO". Now the problems lie in that:

    1, The result box is displayed behind the Silverlight area; while in reality it is supposed to be displayed in front of the Silverlight.

    2, When the result box is displayed behind the Silverlight, the user can still do some operation on the search result box.

    These two problems are to be tackled because they have now blocked my work.


  • I am also finding the socket restrictions frustrating.

    - The present restrictions essentially make Silverlight unsuitable for building clients that connect to existing 3rd party services (e.g.: A Silverlight jabber/xmpp chat client). For such applications, the cost of proxying all client server communication would be prohibitive.

    - Beta 2 requires an authorization mechanism for sockets whereby the target of the socket communication must respond to the “special string” sent on TCP port 943 with a Silverlight policy file. Could you provide/point at additional information regarding the reasoning behind this requirement and its implementation? For example, regarding the implementation, why not simply utilize HTTP to request the file rather than a new silverlight-specific protocol which requires implementing a custom server?

    I’m certainly prepared (even hope) to be wrong, but I don’t get the impression that issues relating to socket use-cases and feature-security tradeoffs have been very carefully considered thus far.

  • hi,
    is there any sample example on Duplex Communication (Server Push) topic

  • Is there a plan to improve localization support in Silverlight. Maybe make it the same as WPF?

  • still no high DPI and right-to-left support.

  • Thanks a lot scott

  • I am also finding the socket restrictions frustrating.

    - The present restrictions essentially make Silverlight unsuitable for building clients that connect to existing 3rd party services (e.g.: A Silverlight jabber/xmpp chat client). For such applications, the cost of proxying all client server communication would be prohibitive.

    - Beta 2 requires an authorization mechanism for sockets whereby the target of the socket communication must respond to the “special string” sent on TCP port 943 with a Silverlight policy file. Could you provide/point at additional information regarding the reasoning behind this requirement and its implementation? For example, regarding the implementation, why not simply utilize HTTP to request the file rather than a new silverlight-specific protocol which requires implementing a custom server?

    I’m certainly prepared (even hope) to be wrong, but I don’t get the impression that issues relating to socket use-cases and feature-security tradeoffs have been very carefully considered thus far.

  • When is Microsoft going to release a localizable file upload control? the browse... button is O/S specific for what ridiculous reason I can not comprehend, its been this way for as long as I can remember and regardless of the demand for a localizable browse... button in either the standard html input or the file upload control it has yet to come to fruition... there are some theming options out there by third party's which basically do a image swap over the top of the existing browse... button but this is a hack, because they are doing it on top of the original deficient file upload controls from Microsoft...

  • Thanks Scott! Silverlight is maturing fast. Can't wait to see those 100+ controls.

    I am wondering if it's possible to handle Silverlight events in ASP.NET, when a silverlight is added as a server control to the ASP page. And how to do it? (I know we can handle flash events in ASP.) Thanks.

  • These additions are incredible, especially with the promise of over 100 Silverlight controls that we can use and modify.

    Incredible work guys~!

  • Is it possible to handle Silverlight events in ASP.NET pages? How?

  • I'm disappointed to see MS continuing to push using 2 tools to build a Silverlight application. We are developers. We use functionality in Expression. Maybe the corporations with the big $$$ have designers and then developers, but I've never seen it.

    Additionally, it's UI is completely foreign to the standard VS interface. Why the change? Standardization of tools are good imo.

    Again though, I do not understand why I spent my money on Visual Studio only to have to turn around and buy this so I can drop controls out on my page. It's not very intuitive.

    It is like shipping a web application with only code behind support and forcing me to buy Frontpage to add a Gridview to the page to get designer support.

    Why this approach? Reread the above sentence - who here would buy a second tool to use a Gridview designer for a web application? Only a designer does that?

    I figure most the people here must be getting this stuff for free...

  • Hi Scott,

    Can you please shed some light regarding what we can expect to see in the future as far as Silverlight and WCF FautlExceptions are concerned? For example, what is the recommended pattern for making WCF calls and catching the exceptions etc. I ask this in the light of the fact that SL2 Beta 1 didn't support SOAP faults. How about Beta 2?
    Secondly, can you please build a sample app for us that uses any of the MS application blocks with SilverLight2?


  • What is the actual challenge in porting a WPF subset to Silverlight, in terms of controls like ComboBox? Why isn't it as straight-forward as copy-paste?

  • Awesome!

  • When will silverlight 2.0 final version be released ?

  • We are all waiting. We need good alternative to FLEX.

  • What would be the equivalent to the WebPartManager in a Silverlight world?

    The WebPartManager made it easy to provide dynamic (post deployment) layout as well as individualization (which I seldom see used). I liked the fact that I got all that Drag and Drop functionality. I've seen lots of posts (issues) with having Silverlight inside the SharePoint environment, but I'm talking about just using the WebPartManager outside of SharePoint. - Thanks
    (I tried to post this on the Part 2 - Using Layout Managment page, but had not luck)

  • It's nearly a month with last interaction with the community
    Scott ???

  • Hi Scott,

    Have any iPhone users been able to use Silverlight or could Silverlight be the next Microsoft technology to work on the iPhone?

  • No new post from Scott!!!

    Scott post something, your blogs are so informative. Its like a book.


  • Why don't you have dates on your blog entries?

  • It has been awhile since the last post. I'm guessing you all have been busy, and that all the sp1 goodness should be out any day now. :)

  • When are we going to see some new articles? How about something on the Entity framework?

  • Scott,

    Can you expand on this "alternatively use Expression Design or Adobe Illustrator to build the vector art and then import it into Blend. Below we are adding 4 "Path" elements into our control template"

    The part I'm confused on is what you are actually importing and what the "Path" code looks like. Are you creating the gradient button (with layers) in Expression Design, exporting it as XAML and adding this XAML to your App.Xaml file in your Blend project to act as a button style? Does Blend allow for importing of Illustrator projects?

  • Hi Scott,

    I am playing around Silverlight2 latest release of beta,along with blend and VS2008, But I am not able to Drag and Drop controls over Canvas from toolbox, is this due to any specific reason or its a known bug?

  • Any updates from Scott?

    Is he busy preparing SP1?

  • Can you make the above project available for download so we can see what the XAML looks like? Thanks

  • Form where I could download SL 2.0 beta 1 as there is no link for old betas
    I have a problem in installing SL 2.0 beta 2

  • I would download this if Microsoft wouldn't pop it up every 10 seconds.

  • I want to Install Silverlight2beta2 now in to my Computer I wAS INSTALLING Silverlight & Silverlight2 before it.Now Help To Installing That.

  • Can U please help me in

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