Meet Windows Azure on June 7th

As many of you might know, I’ve spent much of my time the past 12 months working on Windows Azure – which is Microsoft’s Cloud Computing Platform (I also continue to run the teams that build ASP.NET, the server framework libraries of .NET, and a few other products too).

I will be doing a keynote in San Francisco this Thursday, June 7th at 1pm PDT.  The event will be streamed live, and I hope you’ll be able to join us as we walkthrough some of the exciting work we’ve been doing – and how you’ll be able to take advantage of it as developers.


You can learn more and register to watch the event here.

Hope to see you there,



  • I missed the live event - will it be available to view after the event somewhere?

  • It is already available to watch, just click the image above to open another window/tab to view it on-demand.

  • I also missed it. An archived copy would be great.

    Also great work on Azure! Such an awesome product and one of the best things MS is doing today - if you asked me.

  • Scott,

    We're delivering Azure Kickstarts all over NCD for the next 3 weeks.
    Is there anyway you can forward your slide deck from Meet Azure?
    It would be great to get the attendees up to speed on the new features while we have their attention.

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