Download ASP.NET AJAX PDF Cheat Sheets

Milan Negovan from the site has been working on putting together some really nice PDF "cheat sheets" for the client-JavaScript libraries in ASP.NET AJAX:

These are super handy pages to print out and keep around to quickly find information and code-snippets to use. 

Milan is making these available completely for free - so definitely download them and send him feedback (he is going through and adding them for all the core classes in the client-side AJAX library).

Hope this helps,



  • Hi Cyril,

    Yep - that particular Date.parse() bug is fixed in the RTM build. :-)



  • While we're on the subject of the RTM build...

    What date can I mark in my agenda to download ASP.NET Ajax 1.0?

  • Hi Mike,

    ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 RTM is not too far away - a little later this month will be the golden date.



  • Hi Nate,

    The documentation for the core JavaScript library is slowly getting there, and will continually improve going forward.

    One of the things you might want to also look at is the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit - which provides 30+ controls that show common AJAX tasks. These each have a JavaScript client control that you can examine to learn how to-do common things.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Scott,
    because of RTM. Will the Menu-Control inside an UpdatePanel work in the RTM?

  • I've noticed since RC1 of ASP.NET AJAX has been released, some controls like AutoComplete Extender have been moved to the Futures December CTP. Does it mean that these controls will not be included in the final RTM release? And I've not been able to locate examples for use of these controls in the SampleWebsite folder included in the AJAX Control Toolkit for the RC1 release :(

  • Thanks for the reply Scott.

    I love love love the ajax control toolkit (could we get a shorter name though?). I use it all the time in my websites; but there seems to always be just one little extra thing that I want to do but I have no idea on how to do it :).

    I'm looking forward for the reference material and some great webcasts about it!


  • Thanks Scott, that's what I truley need.
    and I find a serious bug in Ajax and I don't know where to post my feedback, could you help me on that?
    M. Porooshani

  • Hi M. Porooshani,

    I'd recommend using the ASP.NET AJAX Forums on to ask questions or get help with issues. There are a lot of great folks who are on those who can help.



  • Hi Mark,

    The AutoCompleteExtender is right now in the Futures CTP - although I believe it will be moved to the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit at some point soon. Until then you should be able to install the Futures CTP and use it from within that.

    Hope this helps,


  • Ok Scott, I'm a member there for months and I found lots of useful information there, but this is not my problem, you know, it seems to be a bug and I knew how to handle it.
    anyway, many thanks for your reply,
    Mohammad Porooshani

  • PLZ Send me ASP.NET AJAX PDF Cheat Sheets.

  • Hi Brett,

    ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 RTM is only a few days away now. Almost there. :-)



  • Scott,

    Since there have been two posts here about RTM release date I thought I would see if you could give another update when we might see ASP.Net Ajax RTM. This week? I hope :)

    Thanks for the great Blog!


  • Hi Sam,

    Keep a close eye on my blog today and tomorrow. ;-)



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