XNA Express Beta Available for Free Download (build XBOX games in C#)
September 3rd Update: I just stumbled upon an awesome XNA tutorial site that includes a lot of great tutorials on how to get started with the XNA game framework. This tutorial, for example, walksthrough all of the code needed to build the classic Pong game with it. And this tutorial talks about how to customize the "Spacewar" starter kit.
August 31st, 2006: The XNA team released their first XNA Game Studio Express Beta release earlier today. You can learn more about it and download it for free here (below is a screenshot from a fun app built with it).
This release works on top of the free Visual C# Express Edition, and provides the ability to build games using C# and .NET that target both Windows and the XBOX 360 (we did the work to port a .NET execution engine with PowerPC JIT support to the XBOX to enable this).
The XNA Framework ships with the VS package and provides a managed code library for creating rich graphics, and incorporating 3D content into games. I'm looking forward to having some fun with this. :-)
You can download it for free here.